072 | Seonghwa | Enchanted Pt.2

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Fantasy | Smut | Fluff 

「Synopsis」 : Seonghwa can finally see you fully, and oh, is he obsessed.

Paring: Knight!Seonghwa x Fae!Reader (Fairy)

[Warnings] : Dom/Sub, teasing, nail scratching, swearing, sweet steamy sex. Seonghwa is obsessed with the reader's wings. Riding, oral (F receiving). mentions of blood. Seonghwa is lowkey a little masochist. Seonghwa is a romantic, nipple play. Over-stimulation, multiple orgasms. Just some sappy lovey dovey shit. 

The night grew cold, with the wind whistling and the trees swaying

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The night grew cold, with the wind whistling and the trees swaying. Your body lays tight and snug against Seonghwa's body. His arm draped over your exposed waist as your blouse—well his really—was pulled up from you rolling around. The curtain half opened, the moon crept into your large bedroom and the window cracked open from when you and Seonghwa were looking out the kingdom earlier this evening. The cold wind made you shiver, leaning closer into his warmth as you could possibly do. His lips graze your cheeks, then your jaw. Kisses littering your face. You couldn't hold in your smile as your fingers laced through the grown-out undercut of Seonghwa's hair.

"I can't get enough of you." He grumbles shifting down further into the mattress so his mouth can latch onto your neck. One of his hands slipped under the blouse, grazing folded wings. A shiver pooled in your spine at his fingertips, sliding up your sheer appendage.

"H-Hwa..." You whimper, thighs rubbing tightly against each other. Your hands leave his hair, scratching lightly down his bare chest.

"I know fairy, let me take you all in first." His words made you hot, never did you think tonight would play out like this. Every time for the past weeks you've been with Seonghwa someone had interrupted you. No matter what time, day or night, at your cottage or in the castle. It was like intimacy was not something you and Seonghwa could share. Until tonight...

"Let's get this off..." He whispers, almost as if he is afraid if he were to speak too loud someone will barge in for his attention. The buttons un-looped one by one, as Seong's breathing, hitched in anticipation. The white blouse finally falls open revealing your exposed cheat. You could swear Seonghwa's heart nearly stopped at your vulnerable sight.

"Fuck." He growls lowly, making you whimper at his vocal pleasure. You didn't even get a second to say anything to him before his plump lips latch onto your left nipple while his hand messaged the other. Your nipples became hot, wet, red and puffy. You were surged with pleasure, hands flying to his hair to grip onto something.

"S-Seong" Your pleas echoed in the room, his mouth kissing down your skin, moving away from your nipples, exposing them to the cold air. His tongue licked against every skin he could reach, leaving wet and purple marks in his wake. You were a mess and that's exactly what he wanted.

His fingers hooked under the bands of your panties, pulling them down far too slow for your liking. But before you could protest, they were off, falling to the floor. Seonghwa sat you, looking at your fully naked body on display for him. His heart skipped, you were even more beautiful than he could have imagined.

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