124 | Jongho | Familliar Stranger

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Smut | Fake Angst | Fluff

【Synopsis】 : Running for most of the night, you seek a safe haven from a sweet stranger. The only thing is, he wasn't such a stranger by the end of the night.

Pairing: (FreedomFighter) Criminal!Jongho x Runaway!Reader (She/Her Female Anatomy Used)

[Warnings] : Dystopian world. LORE ACCURATE! Jongho is viewed as a criminal, but he's more of an anarchist. Making out. Dry humping. Knife play. Lingerie. Unprotected sex. Swearing. Pet names. Fake names. Run in with the law. Criminal activity. Big beefy Jongho. Fake non-con (dub-con)Nipple play. Use of the word slut. Pussy torture. Mention of subspace. Climaxing without penetration. Crying (slight dacryaphilia). Ripping of clothing. Sir kink. Mean-ish Dom/sub dynamics. Multiple orgasms. 

You ran

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You ran. As fast as your legs could take you. Running through the quiet streets, the moon only just lighting your way. Your hand gripped the poles to a barrier of some kind, pulling yourself up with momentum before not so gracefully swinging over the barbed fencing. You didn't look back, not wanting to see how close the two very ample men chased you. You swore over and over in your head as you thought for a second about which direction will shake them from your tail. In truth, this was completely your fault. You had to open your stupid mouth about freedom and down with the government towards one of those freaky men in all white. And now he called his hounds on you. Typical. Two very shivery-looking cops. Pigs....

"Shit..." You mumbled finding yourself in a dead end, not knowing what to do. That was until your eyes spotted a glint of light, a mechanic shop that seemly was still open. Better that than getting caught. You thought, jogging over, making sure no one spots you. There was a car covered in a tarp in the centre of the shop floor, with tools and machines scattered around it. Who would be working on a customer's car this late? Another thought wondered in your mind as you tilted your head to the right slightly. You walked carefully through the shop, past all the tools. Making sure not to hit the car on the way through. You notice a door in the back, thinking the worker was possibly behind it. A decision came to mind, knock and ask nicely for the worker to help, or... force them to help you.

God, when did you become such a bad person? Forcing someone into helping you? How could you even begin to think of such a thing?

"Is there a reason why a cute thing like yourself is doing in my shop late at night?" A deep voice echoed around you, making your body shiver and your brain near short circuit. Turning quickly you see a man standing next to the covered car, leaning against it with his large arms crossed. You go to open your mouth when your eyes glance over the piece of the cloth on the car that was tugged upwards from the strange man leaning against it. That when you noticed what type of car it was.... it was.

"Are you going to answer me or am I gonna have to arrest you and 'terrogate it out of you?" His accent caught you off guard, making you take a step back almost bumping into a rack of equipment. The blue and red stripes that decorate the car, and the badge that hangs on his pants just hiding under his mechanic jacket.

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