155 | San | My Everything

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Smut | Fantasy | Demon Au


【Synopsis】 : Rain was pouring, and your heart was aching. You didn't care what the villagers nor that priest thought about him. You loved him, and you were going to prove it.

Paring: Gargoyle!San x Human!Reader

[Warnings] : Public sex [in a garden] sex in the rain. Oral [both receiving] fingering, clit play. Cum play-ish. Making out. Swearing. Pet names. Fake names. Demonic and religious concepts. Dirty talk. Cream pie. Squirting.

Note : The long-awaited demon San is here. I'll be honest I was so busy I didn't get time to write this fic, and when Kinktober rolled around, I thought it was what better time than now? So thank you, everyone from the poll on Tumblr for picking San for this concept. This story is my own flare of the original creators' webcomic. So the lore, characters, and other story designs have been tweaked and changed to fit what I wanted to write. Make sure to check out the original author of this wild story.

You ran faster than your legs could carry you, nearly slipping over even bend and turn you took

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You ran faster than your legs could carry you, nearly slipping over even bend and turn you took. The pouring rain had soaked your tunic and all of your undergarments. Your shoes were also squelching with every stomp your feet did. You were in a panic, frantically praying that he would be alright. The priest of your village warned you―more like threatened you―about involving yourself with the devil as he put it. 'Those beasts are not to be trusted. They are demons in disguise. Filth. Inhuman.'

You obviously ignored the old man, having no time with such lies. That beast was the most kindest creature you know. He was more caring than any human you've ever met. He understood you, heard you, got to know you. Everyone in the village only looked at you as the witch's daughter, the spawn of the devil herself. You were nothing and the only way to be something was to submit. Be one with god, marry the priest and prove you were devoted to the lord.

"Sun! Sun where are you!!" You called in the blistering winds, repeating the fake name he gave you when you first met. You see, he was in fact a demon, just like the priest had screamed at you, but he was more. He was a gargoyle, one of Lilith's children, trapped, bound to the ruined castle just beyond the village. One of the priests from the before had managed to get his real name and trap him with a blood curse, locking him to only do the bidding of the said man. But now that Sun was alone, he had no way to break the curse, living the rest of the days in the place he called home, imprisoned by sunlight. You had climbed stairs and rock structures to get up to one of the garden points in the castle, seeing where your lover usually lays, under a concrete arch, empty and bare. Where was he?

You called again but this time your voice got caught in your throat as a giant rumble crashed down to the earth's core. Sun's wings were spread wide, having landed only mere meters from you. His huge form was hunched over, his palms spread out on the wet pavement. He had tears in his cold eyes. "I told you to never come back! Why do you not listen." his voice bellowed around you into the forestry beyond, having enough power to shake the trees.

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