011 | San | Harmless Pt.1

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Fluff | Suggestive | Fantasy | Wolf au

「Synopsis」 : A mysterious plant catches your eye, but what happens when the useless plant becomes not so useless...How would react to their bunny hybrid mate getting hurt? [A mini series]

Paring: Wolf!San x Hybrid!Reader

[Warnings] : Sex pollen, suggestive, swearing, the reader goes crazy for San. If I missed anything let me know. 

Part 4 of the Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!reader Series [Part two of harmless located ---]

Part 4 of the Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!reader Series [Part two of harmless located ---]

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Working long hours in your greenhouse was something you enjoyed. Even though to others it might have seemed like a chore, making healing agents, potions, or writing your studies down on any and all new plants you discover. The wolves envy your hard work and only wished for your stamina. The brothers would make jokes questioning if you were truly a rabbit given you don't have the want for long sleep or laziness. But then again, a lazy nap session with San was one of your favourite things to do. You fitted in, in other words. You could go out on patrols with some of the boys, gathering supplies without the worry of slowing them down. You were useful, and everyone enjoyed having your fuzzy kind company.

You have been stuck in yet another project, studying a new plant that was recently discovered on the outskirts of the pack grounds. It was a bright purple flower on red-ish pink vines, the leaves have small detailing of blue mixing in the purple. You haven't seen a plant like this in all your years of study. A lot of the members were worried it could be poisonous but through hours and hours of testing nothing toxic seemed to be showing. You were stumped, confused about what the plant's purpose would be. But as you sat at your desk with the plant sitting on the large dark oak table that hugs the wall in the corner of the room, you rub your temples feeling a sense of frustration.

You let out a big huff standing up with a loud scratch of your wooden chair sliding against the floor. If you weren't going to be able to find out its purpose, maybe giving it a purpose will help you feel less annoyed at the mystery plant.

Grabbing some beakers, your knife kit and various other sharp and pinching tools that would make any outsider think you were about to perform surgery on the plant. But in truth, it was a form of surgery, you wanted some of the content of the plant to work on without actually hurting or killing the plant. So if someone said you were performing surgery, they wouldn't be wrong. Picking up a scalpel and tweezers, you carefully cut one of the anthers off the filament. You hold your breath as you place the anther —making sure not to lose any of the pollen that is stuck to it— on the small tray you prepared.

You grab some herbs and other ingredients for a very basic calming potion. Maybe the flower can bring a weakening agent or even a fatigue spell. You pour, cut and throw different leaves, and spices into the small pot, letting it start to brew. The liquor starts to turn its normal blueish colour with the smell of fresh grass and lilies filling your nose. You pick up the pollen slowly with the tweezers, dropping it into the concoction.

"Nothing!?" You started at the pot in disbelief, normally when you add a new ingredient there would be a change almost immediately. Leaning closer to the potion you inhale the smell to see if the scent changed and even that was still the same. Maybe the flower was indeed useless, and it was nothing but a harmless little flower—

"Fuck!!" You swear at a blast of bright purple smoke spraying straight into your face, invading your senses within seconds. You cough out, closing your eyes, rubbing the left one while placing the lid on the pot, sealing the smoke from spilling out even more.

"Well, I guess you're not useless." You take a sharp inhale as your voice was croaky from the vaper. You stand up to fetch your logbook from your desk but as your feet hit the ground you felt a sudden shiver cores through you. Your legs become jelly, and your vision blurs slightly, but not enough that you cant see. A weird feeling overwhelms your system. It was almost like the feeling of a heat, but much, much worse.

You try to shake the feeling, leaning against the desk, almost gasping for air. You look around the room, searching for something, anything. At this point, you have no clue what you're searching for. You bring your hand up to your face and an audible shock echoes in the greenhouse. Veins of purple scatter all over your hands and up your arms. Looking down you spot them peaking out of the cuffs of your pants. You were covered in them.

"Sweetheart are you, okay I heard screamin—Y/N! Oh my god!" San stops mid-sentence, running over to you. His eyes scan with worry, you were covered in strange veins. Your eyes are tinted purple with the white of your eyes bloodshot. You stare at him desperately, with eyes that he would only be able to call 'bedroom eyes'.

"San, Help me." You plea, rubbing your thighs tightly together, leaning into his touch as his hand snakes around your waist. You felt like a wild animal, lost in primal instinct. Your fingers claw at his clothes as tears began to run down your cheeks. "Please Sannie, it hurts so bad."

"What hurts baby, tell me what's wrong. What happened?" He held you closer, drawing circles into your hips, which made you crave his touch more.

"The-The flower. It's a lascivious toxin." You practically moan out, leaning back so San's body and the table would trap you. You feel so hot, sweat beading down your forehead. He looks at your with confusion, feeling himself grow with worry and lust. He can smell you dripping, but he shakes the thought, trying to make sure you are okay first.

"W-what does that mean Sweets?" He asks, bringing his hand up to hold the back of your neck.

"Argh, It's a toxin that makes you horny San!!" You look at him dead in the eyes, frustration taking over. "It makes you very..." You grind your hips against his. "Very..." You do it again. "Very horny..."

"Oh..." I mean at least you are not actually in pain... Well, the bad kind anyway.


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