095 | WooSanYeoHwa | Morning Pt.2

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Suggestive | Fluff

「Synopsis」 : While your other lovers are out. You are left with a cuddly Seonghwa and a horny San. What could go wrong? Oh, did I mention they are both very high.

Paring: (Seonghwa & San) SanHwa x Reader (Apart of The WooSanYeoHwa relationship)

[Warnings] : Making out. Cigarettes smoking. Drug use. Weed. Shot gunning, dry humping. Hickeys. Dirty talk. Swearing. Mentions of sex.

It was nothing but a mundane day. Everyone but You, San, and Hwa were out and about. You finally got a day off work to rest while the other two spent their time cleaning and hanging around the house. What you didn't expect was for Seonghwa to sneak into your room for some mid-day cuddles. Your first thought was, "Why Seonghwa?" You would think San would have come into your room for cuddles, and it's not that Seonghwa didn't like to cuddle. In fact, He craved them. Normally, people would think San or Wooyoung were the most clingy, but Seonghwa was a different breed of clingy. He needed you like the air he breathed. He would never admit he was touch starved, but you all knew. When Yeosang would slow dance with him and place light kisses on his cheeks. Or the way Wooyoung would rake his fingers through Hwa's hair while he rests his head on his lap. Even when San is complaining about getting out of bed and ends up pulling Seonghwa in for cuddles. He craves all of it.

And today was no exception. He dug his head into your neck, inhaling your scent. His arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close. It was your little slice of heaven. It was quiet and peaceful. Well, that was until San opened the door, walking in his a light smoke in hand.

"San how many times did Wooyoung say to not smoke in the house? He is gonna kill you." You could smell the cigarette from a mile away. Seonghwa and San tried to debate that it doesn't smell cause they smell nothing when it's lit. But you, Wooyoung, and Yeosang, on the other hand, can smell the scratchy toxin.

"He's not here. And besides." He takes one last drag on the stick before crushing the bud into an empty cola can that sat on your desk next to him. "I've finished anyway." He blows the smoke out in the direction of your opened window so the smoke can leave the room quickly cause even though he might seem to not care, he does take into consideration his non-smoker lovers' opinions even if he thinks they're wrong most of the time.

"So what do we have here." He asks, tapping Seonghwas's butt, making him groan. You giggle, never stopping your fingers from running through older males' hair.

"Hmm, cuddles," Hwa grumbled against your neck, giving your skin a light peck just to get his point across. San only hums in response, grabbing your ankles, suddenly pulling you down away from Seonghwa's loose hold.


"Sorry Hwa, but... I have an even better idea than just plain ol' cuddles." San pulled your face up by your chin, bringing his lips only inches to yours. "That's if you're interested?" He tilted his head slightly, perking your curiosity. And how could you possibly say no to your feline-featured lover?


You sat patiently on Seonghwa's lap as he blew smoke rings around your face. You let out a giggle at the feeling of the smoke dancing around you, gazing your attention to San. His glossy eyes stared at you with intensity as he picks the blunt up and inhaled a large amount. He holds the smoke in, wrapping his fingers under your chin, bringing you closer. Your heart was racing, feeling excited. But before your thoughts and fantasies could come to life, he exhaled through his nose, looking like a dragon letting out steam. They were teasing you, almost taunting you. Seonghwa's lips attached to your neck, sucking harshly to create pretty red marks on your flesh. You closed your eyes, taking in the pleasure from your lover, it's then all of a sudden San had his fingers wrap around your chin, tugging you closer to him.

"Open and breathe in." His voice was quiet, low. It was his bedroom voice, fuck. You obeyed him, opening your mouth for him to inhale some of the blunt before passing it to Seonghwa to take. San smiled, placing his lips just inches from yours. You were ready, your heart wanting to burst right out of your chest at any moment.

He blew out the smoke slowly, letting it pool into your mouth as you inhaled it. It was like electricity crackled through your nerves, feeling the toxin invade your brain waves. You were lightheaded, feeling like you were now on a cloud. The weed didn't taste as bad as you thought it would, thinking it might taste like actual grass or something but this definitely wasn't that.

"You feel okay bunny?" Seonghwa's voice called you out of your trance. You breathed out the smoke towards San. He chuckled lightly seeing you with glossed eyes and dilated pupils. You turn to Seonghwa with a big smile, leaning into him for a passionate kiss.

"I feel amazing." You mumble into the kiss, starting to grind on Seonghwa's lap, feeling his hardened cock beneath you.

"Who knew weed would make our precious baby to be horny." San chuckled. You pulled away from Hwa's lips, leaning over to pull San by his collar before latching your lips against his. He gladly took the kiss, placing his hand against the back of your head to deepen it. Your hips picked up the pace on Seonghwa's lap, feeling him grow more and more desperate at your actions.

"I'm always horny when you two are involved." You admitted against San's lips without thinking. It was like you no longer had a filter or a care in the world. And everything that mattered was the now.

"Fuck." Seonghwa groans at your words. San pulled away from you watching you chase his lips with a whimper.

"What'd you say Seong? I think our baby needs our help." San directed his attention to Seonghwa who was drowning in his pleasure of rubbing himself against you...

"I think this calls for one thing..." Seonghwa pulled you off him, making you stand up so he too could stand. San followed closely behind, pulling you by your hips so your back was flushed against his chest.

"You up for some high sex bunny?"


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