134 | Mingi | Dedicated To You

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Producer Au | Suggestive | Fluff


【Synopsis】 : Your sweet producer boyfriend wanted to share something with you. But your neediness had other plans.

Pairing: Producer!Mingi x F.Reader

[Warnings] : Teasing. Clit stimulation. Clit play. Thigh riding. Humping. Some use of fingers. Pet names.  

There were two simple rules you had to obey whenever you were in the studio with Mingi

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There were two simple rules you had to obey whenever you were in the studio with Mingi. One, always sit on his lap or couch, wherever he could have contact with your body. And two stay quiet unless told otherwise. You see, your lover boy was a very busy man, and normally, if you came over to his studio, it was to drop off food or simply be in his company. But this time, you had headed over to his dark studio for another reason. A reason you would normally wait until he was home to ask for. But tonight was different. Tonight, you needed him so badly that you felt like you were going to combust.

So here you sit, perched so quietly on his lap while his fingers click on a keyboard behind you on the deck, and his other hand rakes the mouse at a vigorous pace. You tried to be still and not disturb him, but you couldn't help but just re-adjust yourself every so often. Wiggling your hips side to side, raking your hands along his shoulders. You were losing willpower fast, and Mingi seemed to take notice.

But he wanted to tease you a bit, or in this case, torture you a little. He loved seeing you squirm and become all shy when asking for what you wanted. And In this situation, he, too, was craving for the perfect attention. He quickly went back to touching up the song he made, ironically just for you. A bedroom song if you will. He had been wanting to release a new album of 'sensual' songs and melodies, and he had some of his favourite artists such as Park Seonghwa and Choi San sing the tracks. He was just about finished with them too and was so excited to show you, since, of course, you were his muse behind them.

But when you stomped into the room in your cute little outfit, huffing for cuddles―even though he knew you wanted more than a simple hug―. He thought of a new idea, one that would get you begging for him. So as he finished up the tracks, after what felt like an eternity. He could finally give his attention to you. "I wanna show you something." His deep voice suddenly caught your attention, leaning up to see what he wanted.

He pressed some buttons before unplugging his headset so the music could play through the surround sound system in the room. His smirk never fell from his face as he adjusted himself on the chair so you would only sit on one of his thighs. you didn't notice the sudden position, thinking it was nothing more than him trying to be comfortable. But when the song started to pool out of the stereos, you could hear the filth he created.

The song goes into detail about treating a woman named "Angel" as a goddess. Pampering her with love and devotion and not to mention how good he would fuck her over and over again. It was then when it hit you that the song was dedicated to you. Your nickname he gave you all the time was angel and all the details perfectly describe you to a tea. This man really made a sex song for you.

His hands dance around your hips as you close your eyes to bask in the music around you. He took this moment to lift up your skirt seeing your pink panties wet against his dark jeans. You didn't even notice him pull your skirt up until his thumb made contact with your clit. "Like the song huh?"

Your eyes snap open, locking with his in a second. Your brows scrunched, gulping slightly at the sensation. His free hand gripped your hips tightly, pulling you back, then forth, in a way that sends pleasure through your system. "Show me how much you liked that song."

You start grinding your hips without the need of Mingi, bracing yourself on his shoulders. Your little pants started to fill the room alongside the low-based song. You could feel your pussy clench around nothing as your humps got quicker. His thumb didn't move off it's spot, letting you use not only his thick thigh but his large thumb for stimulation. Eyes rolling back you found the perfect pace, losing yourself trying to reach your climax. Mingi could tell you were going to come any second so without another moment his lips latched onto your neck, sucking a hard purple mark along your jugular that you are going to have to explain to your friends tomorrow.

"Min..I, Fuck..." Your brain was in scrambles, and you could get even a single sentence out before moaning or whimpering soon after. You were so close just a little further, your grinding so harsher and harsh, needing the blissful release, and when Mingi clenched his thighs, you lost it. Coming so hard, you saw stars. He finally moved his hand away from your clit, letting you exhale a shaky breath. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you close into a tight embrace. The song finished shortly afterwards, now bringing silence into the room, with slightly panting and heavy heartbeats.

"So I'm assuming you liked the song." He asked, making you giggle sightly before leaning up to kiss his cheek with a goof smile painting both your and his features.

"Yes, I love it..."


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