092 | SeongJoong | In The Night

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Smut | Angst | Fantasy Au

Paring: Vampire!Husband!Hongjoong x Dutchess!Reader x Knight!Husband!Seonghwa

[Warnings] : Sweat. Mention of dying and death. Sickness. Blood drinking. Cutting yourself (this could be very triggering please be mindful) some powerplay. Unprotected sex (don't do that). Desperate Dom Hongjoong. Switch-to sub Reader. Dom Seonghwa. Making out. Swearing. Crying. Some angst. Seonghwa kinda just sits and watches ahah.

Something was wrong before you even stepped foot in the throne room. All the torches were trailing a thin line of smoke and a haze had swallowed the moonlight coming from the slightly covered windows. Heavy breathing can be heard from the other side of the room. You can tell it's Hongjoong before you even cross halfway to the throne.

"Hongjoong?" You call out.

"Stop," comes a weak plea.

You take a couple of steps closer and see your husband curled up into a ball on the throne with a blanket wrapped around him. He's sweaty and his hair is sticking to his skin, covering his face. His shoulder moves heavily with each breath, forcing air in and out of his lungs. You reach out a shaky hand to touch his shoulder but he flinches away from you.

"Hongjoong," you say again.

Slowly and jittery he looks up to you. He's pale and his eyes are dark in the shadows. There's drool and snot all over his face and he looks as if he's been crying. You've never seen him like this and it's scaring you. You don't know how to comfort him. He's the Duke of Tarren, he's a leader. He's never shown weakness.

"I... I don't know what's happening," he breathes out through gritted teeth feeling pain cloud his judgement.

You clasp your hands close to your chest. "What do you want me to do?" You ask with sincerity. You want to help, you want to make whatever this is, stop.

He looks off for a second before coming back to you. "Seonghwa. Grab Hwa," he says before curling into a ball groaning in agony.

Knight Seonghwa, he'll know what's happening. You rush off, leaving your husband to find help. You rush down the hallways and across the castle with your dress pulled up high. How unladylike some would say. Finally getting to the knight's quarter you bang on Seonghwa's door. No response. You knock again and this time there's an answer from the other side, a very tired answer. The door finally opens and your other husband opens the door with nothing on. You've seen his jewels a thousand times so you don't even take any notice in the moment.

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