030 | Hongjoong | Stalemate Pt.1

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Suggestive | Angst? | Fluff | Adventure | Pirate Au 

Type: Pirate!Hongjoong x Pirate!Reader

Warnings: knife cutting flesh. Blood, Making out.

Synopsis: You were the charmful Queen, and He was the ruthless King. Is the sea big enough for you both or will you end up killing one another?

 Is the sea big enough for you both or will you end up killing one another?

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It was like a little game to them. A game of cat and mouse. Whether you or Hongjoong was the cat or mouse, neither of you knew. All you both did know was that one day the game was bound to end. Disappear, or death.

Ruling the sea as the seductive and charmful pirate Queen, bringing all to bow at your feet. Then there was Hongjoong, a ruthless, and sadistic pirate King, bringing fear and respect to anyone that he crosses paths with. That was until he met you. You didn't fear him nor he didn't fall for your seductiveness. A stalemate.

One night there was a storm, that was bigger than anything you've seen, crashing anyone that dared to venture on the waters. Making you force your ship to an unknown shore bank, on an unknown island. Opting to wait it out rather than travel through. But someone had the same idea. Hongjoong.

Both of your ships side by side in a large cave to stay out of the bucketing weather. Most of your crew knew one another already. Growing friendships, even though you and Joong wished they didn't. He snuck aboard, seeing all his and your crew on the bank around a campfire they all put together. You stay on your top deck, next to the wheel. Looking over all of them, not caring too much for small talk.

"You look lonely." His voice sent a shiver down your spine. You hated how he had a way with you, but you would never let him figure that out. You scoff instead, turning to see him leaning against the beaming of the ship.

"I could say the same for you." You smirk, crossing your arms. He smiles at your words, walking over towards you slowly, making you take a small step back, but it was useless, having the opposite beam trap you from stepping away from the man.

"Guess we can be lonely together..." He smirks his arms on either side of you. His breath, tickled your nose, making your heart jump in a beat. Looking away you feel embarrassed, scoffing at him.

"In your dreams Hongjoong." You spat back.

"Oh trust me, all my dreams are full of you. And more..." He didn't move away instead he retched for something in his pocket, making you raise your eyebrow at him.

"I want you." He bluntly says, bringing his knife out. It was all so sudden, turning you around his chest became flushed against your back, the knife coming up to the warm flesh of your neck. The cold metal makes your heart speed up.

"Marry me...or this silver will pierce your beautiful flesh." He kisses your neck, making you tilt it for him to kiss more of your hot skin.

"Joong..." You whisper, feeling the metal carefully cut a small layer of skin, letting a drop of blood fall on the blade. The pain of the knife and the pleasure of your mouth causes your head to spin.

"Yes, my love?" He chuckles darkly, sucking on the path of skin, lapping it with his tongue afterwards. You drape your hand up your body getting to his hand that holds the knife. You lean into him more, your ass brushing on his crotch. He lets his guard down ever so slightly, giving you a window to grab the knife, turn around and pin him to the ground. Straddling him the knife covered in your blood, now settle on his jugular.

"I don't think you have the guts to kill me." You smile, leaning down so you were inches from him. He let out a sigh, followed by a smile before putting his hands up in defeat.

"I could never hurt you unless you wanted it." He was serious, looking you dead in your eyes. All these months of chasing one another, trying to prove one was better than the other. He fell, even if he tried to deny it. He was in love.

"I might just take up your offer...Love." You smile bringing your lips to his. He deepens the kiss, the knife now long forgotten as you both tangle yourselves in one another. Since you were the Queen of the sea and he was the King, maybe it would be more fun, to rule together...


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