033 | Yeosang | Race ya

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Fluff | Suggestive | Crack

Synopsis: You and Yeosang go for a sweet night swim. Should be wholesome and harmless right?

Warnings: Making out, dirty talk? 

You and Yeosang have been dating for a little over a year now

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You and Yeosang have been dating for a little over a year now. Today was going to be marked as one of the hottest days recorded for Seoul. You and Yeosang were lucky enough to be stuck in the studio all day because of the boys having their new comeback soon.

Finishing around 10:00 pm, the weather started to cool down, but not enough to not sweat. Yeosang suggested that he goes to your house since you have a lovely pool.

"So you wanna come to mine for a pool and not to see your girlfriend!!" You joked at him as he becomes flustered.

"I, no I didn't mean it like that It's just I-I..."

"Ahh Yeo I get it don't worry, I was teasing." You give him a peck on his cheek before entering the elevator.


"Come on honey let's go swimming already." You haven't been home for 5 minutes and Yeosang is already whining. You chuckle at him saying you still need to put on swimmers first. He rolls his eyes at your words knowing he has to wait even longer.

You head off to your bedroom to find your swimsuit. Starting to remove your shirt and shorts off, leaving you in your black lace lingerie set. Reaching over to unclasp your bra, a large hand grabs your waist spinning you around you fall onto the bed with a thud.

You adjust yourself to find Yeosang was inches from you, his face right next to yours.

"Yeo I'm trying to put my swimmers on".

"You're taking so long, just swim like that princess." He whispers in your ear, giving your lob a nibble. You melt over his actions, always managing to put such an effect on you.

"Yeo..." He leans up to look at you, with a smile on his face.

"Race ya." He pecks your cheek, before getting up to run down the hall.

"Hey!!" You yell, soon catching down his route towards the backyard.

"Get back here Yeosang!!" You laugh out making him chuckle in return. You finally enter the pool area and see Yeo already perched at the top of the pool slide.

"Come on, come get me beautiful." he sends out a low growl. You hop onto the ladder, starting to climb but before you could grab the male, he was already sliding into the water.

You take your place on the slide quickly, readying to slide down. Yeosang pops his head out of the water, the world went in slow motion, running his fingers through his wet hair. His white shirt he neglected to take off now stuck to his body. You blush at the sight you are gifted, Yeosang soon notices that and starts to laugh at your expression. You snap back to the real world, blushing like crazy at his laughter, gripping the edges of the slide.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Afraid to get...wet?" He smirks clicking his tongue while flicking water towards you. You grind your teeth making a low noise at him.

"Ha-Ha very funny." You laugh sarcastically at him, letting go of the slide, finally hitting the cold water. It hit you like ice, cold. But relaxing. You came up wiping the water from your eyes. Blurry vision coming clear you spot Yeosang swimming away from you, laughing.

"I'll get you!!" You yell, swimming after him with all your strength, but he was too fast. You manage to touch the ground of the pool, as you were now in the shallow end, finally, reaching up to him, you jump onto his back

"Gotcha!" You scream, laughing. He laughs as he spins you so you are now in front of him. You pull your arms around his neck, looking into his eyes.

"Well, well. My darling finally caught up. Should you get a prize." He smirks, licking his lips. He gives you a slow kiss, letting his tongue slip into your mouth. You let a small whimper, making him grin at the sound. Pushing you to the step where your body just sits out of the water. You wrap your legs around his waist.

"You're so gorgeous, baby girl." He breaks the kiss, lifting his shirt over himself, letting you stare at his bare chest.

"And you're my gorgeous baby boy." You kiss his neck, feeling his chest rise and fall under your touch.

"Mmm, you know my weakness." He groans.

"Let's go finish this inside hmm?" You nibble his ear slowly backing yourself away from him. He lets out a huff at the loss of contact.

"Come on." You peck his nose. "I'll race ya."


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