109 | Yunho | Pull The Trigger

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Gore | Angst | Suggestive | Mafia Au

Synopsis : After the gala incident, you finally speak with your father face to face. But little did you know your life was about to change entirely that night.

Pairing: MobBoss!Yunho x MobPrincess!Reader

[Warnings] : Daddy issues. (Plays The Neighbourhood). Swearing talking about mob/mafia business. Dying from childbirth. Mention of past trauma. Lots of crying. Sad times. Yunho is the best fiance. Beefy 6'5 Yunho. Mentions of drugs and criminal activity. Literal cells and torture are mentioned. Dissociation. Murder. Death. Guns. Gore and heavy details of blood and head mounds. Sappy love confessions. Slight suggestiveness. Talk about marriage. Slight possessive Yunho.

You could feel your heartbeat in your ears, pacing back and forth in the hallway of your father's estate

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You could feel your heartbeat in your ears, pacing back and forth in the hallway of your father's estate. You had been waiting for what seemed like a century. Since you had ignored your father's call, he has now decided to ignore you. Typical for the old man. He's probably losing the plot over the idea of you wanting to marry another, and that other was none other than Jeong Yunho. One of his rivals of sorts. It's not that he hated him. On the contrary, he admired Yunho, thinking he was one of the best in the business. And that is why he was hating you for marrying him. Your father didn't want to you marry up. He wanted someone lesser, a man that would have no fight nor drive to do something on his own. He wanted you to marry someone that he could control and use you as a tool to control.

But Jeong Yunho... There is no controlling such a man.

He is powerful, talented―in more ways than one―ruthless yet fair and one hell of a lover. He was a god amongst men, and your father, along with many others, knew of this. This is exactly why your father is currently pacing around his office, fearing to let you in, afraid you might have brought your soon-to-be with you. How could he possibly take control of Seoul City now with such a man by your side? After a couple more moments of freaking out, he finally manages to calm himself down, racking his fingers through his thinning oily hair, shooting the last bit of his whisky before taking a seat behind his desk and pretending as if nothing was wrong.

But when you stepped inside the musty office, you could tell immediately that your dear ol' dad was in a state of panic. You could see the way his eyes were scanning around you, wanting to see if you brought your soon-to-be with you. But you had told Yunho to stay in the car. You wanted to talk with your father without the looming fear your lover brings to others, and you knew your father would be more than spooked. He would be infuriated.

"Hello, father." You spoke first, making the shaky man finally look at you instead of around the room. His eyes were bloodshot. You could tell he hadn't slept in a day or so, maybe more. "I assume you've heard the news already."

You knew he already knew, the events at the gala weren't exactly... quiet, and more than one passerby must have heard you and Yunho. Or worse, someone probably saw Yunho's men dragging your fiance out of the house for no particular reason...

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