046 | Hongjoong | Doomed

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Romance | Angst

Type: Hongjoong x Gn!Reader

Warnings: Pinning, Terrible families, mentions of blood, heartache, obsessive love. Kissing, neck kisses.

Synopsis: Your lives were completely different. Your families hated one another But you two couldn't stay away from each other, no matter how hard you tried.

 Your families hated one another But you two couldn't stay away from each other, no matter how hard you tried

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Your love was doomed from the start. Meeting him under the blanket of night. You both knew it was forbidden. Longing touches, slight glances, hidden messages. Anything to give one another the affection you both so dearly craved. if your coven found out you would be stripped from your community, banished and left alone. If his parents—the two pure vampires that turned him—found out, he would be dead within the second the words left anyone's lips. It was hopeless.

But yet you ran, past the sleeping town, into the dark forest. The border of the town where the witches don't dare to cross. Yet you ran headfirst, running to the man you swore you wouldn't fall for. The creature that was Undead and cold. The man who brought you nothing but happiness, unlike anything you've ever experienced.

He ran, from his life, from his family, from his duty to his clan. His plan was simple, get you, pack up and run. Far away where no one could hurt either of you. He ran, just like you. To the place where you first meet. To the place where you both knew, you would never be able to forget one another.

He spotted you first, immediately smelling your scent. Weaving through the trees, you finally come in contact, bracing him with open arms. Tears streaming down your face, you bury your face into his chest. Holding him tight you fear if you let go he would disappear. He pulls your face up, smashing your lips to his in desperation.

"I can't stay away from you." He gasps through the kiss, trailing it down to your neck, trying to kiss every part of your skin he could reach. Your fingers dove into the ends of his hair, tugging tightly. Your heart was breaking, you lost your coven, your life, everything. But your heart was so full, being with him made you realize that family isn't always your bloodline.

"I love you. And I'm never letting you go, not now, not ever," He spoke, your foreheads leaning against one another. Time was slowing, your life was changed forever. And all you could do was smile, knowing his word was the only thing you needed.


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