070 | Jongho | Open Wide

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Paring: Jongho x Gn!Reader

[Warnings] : Spitting, Body fluids, pet names.

How could you possibly even begin to think of such a dirty act? You had simply made a joke upon the matter, never considering the sin-filled fantasy would come to pass

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How could you possibly even begin to think of such a dirty act? You had simply made a joke upon the matter, never considering the sin-filled fantasy would come to pass. You never even batted an eye that your boyfriend could have such a fetish, yet here you are. Waiting ever so patiently for him to do what he promised. He asked you to sit between his legs, while he sat on the couch. You rested your head on his thigh, feeling his muscles tense when he began to lean forward. His fingers grip your chin pulling you ever so slowly, and softly. His eyes were intensely glued to yours, a sly smirk growing on his porcelain skin.

"You ready, Honey?" His lips were so close to yours, yet so far. You were becoming desperate, the need for his touch growing stronger. You nodded like a ridiculous kid wanting their favourite food.

"Open wide. Tongue out." his voice was deep, barely above a whisper. You followed his orders swiftly, your fingers digging tightly onto his clothed thighs. "What a good baby." His hand that held your chin, caressed your cheek sweetly, even though you know there is a sadistic tension behind it.

"My beautiful..." His hand gripped your chin sharply, tugging you upwards. "...Beautiful, baby." And just like that he spits directly into your mouth, sending a cold shiver down your spine. Like electricity crackled through your veins. You've never left so turned on, so exhilarated. You needed more. Pulling yourself up, your nails dug into his skin while you chased his lips. He couldn't help but chuckle with sin crawling from his aura. He had you wrapped around his fingers, putty in his hand. And he was going to abuse his power until his last breath.


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