125 | San | Can't Get Enough

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Smut | Fluff 

【Synopsis】 : After your little picnic date, San can't seem to keep his hands off you. And he is going to do everything in his power to touch every part of you until you're screaming.

Pairing: Dom!Boyfriend!San x Sub!Girlfriend!Reader

[Warnings] : Inappropriate thoughts. Kinda pervy San. Making out. Pantie ripping. Pet names. Swearing. San is pussy drunk. Subby reader. mention of unprotected sex. 

You couldn't ask for a better anniversary

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You couldn't ask for a better anniversary. San spent the evening prior to pampering you with lavish gifts and restaurant dates. Then, spending the night tending to your every need. He was perfect to you. Perfect for you. And you could ask for anyone else. And when your lover boy woke you up early the next morning by whispering sweet things in your ear until your eyes fluttered open, you thought you might have just died and gone to heaven. But he wanted to take you on a picnic as another way to say how much he loves you. Cause in the simplest terms, he couldn't get enough of you and could help but spoil you.

"Ready?" San called from the lounge room, echoing his voice down the hall to where you were.

"Just a minute." You fix your shirt that was tucked into your grey tennis skirt. You slipped on some socks to finish the fit and grabbed a plain dusty grey blouse for good measure and just in case it went cold. Before you could finish the touch-up of your makeup, two hands snaked over your waist, pulling you back against a broad body.

"Is that my shirt?" His voice was low and sombre, leaving light kisses on your neck and cheek. You giggled at his actions, pulling away slightly, you hear a muffled huff slip off his tongue.

"You mean our shirt." San couldn't help but let out a small laugh at your word. I guess that's one way of putting it. He thought to himself while he tilted his head with a small smile. You bent down to grab your shoes from under your vanity, giving San a full view of your plump ass in your pretty skirt. He always liked it when you wore skirts, you looked so cute when you wore them. And pairing it with one of his shirts, argh. He had to keep readjusting himself while he was waiting for you. There was also another thing that made skirts his favour. Easy access.


"Today was great." Your smile that painted your face seemed to be so permanent from today that it now was making your face sore. San took you to the beachside, having a picnic in the park before walking barefoot on the beach. You always loved the feeling of warm, soft sand on your toes before dipping them into the cooling salty water. He knew you perfectly and made sure today was nothing but pure happiness.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." His voice gave off a shiver down your spine. His flustered face now shines a smirk as he finally has you to himself. Even though he did also enjoy the day, the way you were jumping down and laughing while wearing his clothing made him feel some kind of way. He needed to have you, and if there weren't so many people around, he would have taken you on the picnic blanket. But alas, he gained patience, waiting for the moment he could lock you away in the privacy of your home.

his hands followed your hips until they gave them a tight squeeze. You weren't blind to San's horniness. You swear he could be more horny than a teenager, always needing to have his cock in you in some form. His sex drive was through the roof, but you didn't mind one bit. In fact, you loved it, given yours was high yourself.

"Are you okay, Sannie?" You backed up, trying to tease him by swerving out of his touch, but his grip just tightened, following you suit until your back hit the wall of the hallway.

"You don't know what you do to me, do you?" He sounded almost amused at your ignorance. Sure, you knew how to push his buttons, but you didn't know exactly how he feels when you do it. His fingers hook under the top hem of your skirt, untucking yours―his shirt―letting it drape over your skirt. "You looked so fuckable today, you know that? All I could think about it slipping my fingers deep inside you..." His fingers slipped under your skirt inching closer to your core.

"S-San..." You whimpered, bucking your hips slightly so you could feel some friction. His chuckle drove another plea from you, trying to give him your best doe eyes. "Please..."

"Please? You asking so nicely when you walked around all day today in this outfit basically begging me to fuck you dumb." his fingertips graze your lips causing a gasp to leave you but before they could slip past your soaked panties, he pulled away entirely making you fall onto your knees, nothing even realizing he was holding you up.

"Take it off." his sweet voice was gone, and it was now replaced with a grunt. Low and sadistic. You keep eye contact with him as you pull the shirt over your head before retching to unclip your bra. Letting your tits free so he could take in your slutty view.

"Look at you, honey..." He took in a sharp breath, readjusting himself in his jeans. "The things I wanna do to you." He licked his lips, walking back over to your half-naked body, squatting down so he could pinch one of your erect nipples. You squirm, crying out as he plays with your breasts. You place your hands on the floor, lifting your chest up so he can get a better view of your plump tits. You looked so beautiful like this, in just a short skirt and tits out. His favourite.

His arm snaked around your bare waist, lifting you up so he could let you wrap your legs around his torso. His lips latch onto one of your nipples suckling and biting at the hot flesh. Your hands rake through his fluffy hair, tugging at it, letting him feel the painful pleasure on his scalp. His lips trail up your collar bone, your neck until finally landing on your lips. The kiss was rough and desperate, the sound of teeth clashing and grunts from San as he ground his hips against your aching core.

"Fuck, I can't get enough of you." He sounded desperate, needy and frustrated. His hands touching any piece of your skin he could grab. "Fuck." He walked you to the nearest table before hastily tugging at your panties hearing a snap of fabric along the way.

"San please, please." You begged for anything. You needed his touch just as much as he needed yours. He didn't even bother pulling his jeans down completely, just unzipping them enough so he could tug his cock out of his underwear.

"Shh it's okay honey, I'm gonna give you what you want."


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