084 | Seonghwa | All My Fault Pt.2

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Fluff | Angst 

「Synopsis」 : You have finally awoken but Seonghwa panics are the idea of confronting you. Will you forgive him or will you choose to leave his life forever?

Paring: Mafia!Seonghwa x Female Reader

[Warnings] : mentions of unfaithfulness, yeosang makes an appearance, reader gets harassed, lots of crying, Seonghwa is a big crybaby I'm sorry, fluff I promise. Just a bunch of I'm sorry's.

He paced, up and down the hallway

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He paced, up and down the hallway. Standing in front of his bedroom. He refused to go in there. He didn't want to see the sadness in your eyes when you woke. He didn't want to face the reality that you almost died because of him. The rival gang only managed to grab you because he said those words that made you walk out of the safety of your home. He doesn't even know why he said those things. Those cruel words that made your heart shatter. You were insecure and needed reassurance. Sure you pushed from fright cause of the whispers of his staff saying he was becoming unfaithful. But you didn't listen, well at first that is. But all your trust went out the window when one of his field workers, Luke told you to leave cause 'all you are is a waste of space! You're not important, and everyone here knows that'. It broke you which lead to you ending up in a fight with Seonghwa.

"She's awake." Yeosang stepped out of the room to find Seonghwa still pacing the halls. "Go see her." He said bluntly to the tall male, making a slight groan in annoyance at the end of his sentence.

"I can't what if she doesn't want to see me or what if—Seonghwa I swear to god if you don't go see her right now, I'll be the one to kill you." Yeosang cut him off, walking away with irritation lingering on his tongue. Hwa sighed, feeling a cold shiver run through him. The cruel, unkind and ruthless Mob boss that is not scared of anything, is suddenly feeling fear, the very most real fear. He opened the door peaking his head in first, before entering fully. He looked around the dimly lit room, seeing only the side table lamps were on and the curtains were shut tight.

"Hwa..." You whispered out, holding the blanket tightly against your chest watching the figure in the dark move towards you.

"Yes, Baby... I'm here." You suddenly see his face, a soft, guilt-ridden expression painted on. You broke, crying hard as he quickly sit down to wrap his arms around you. You sob into his shoulder, clinging onto him with a sharp grip, afraid that if you don't he will disappear. You weren't mad anymore, about the words he spoke or the rumours you heard. You cared for what Yeosang had to say when you first woke, about how Seonghwa hadn't been able to rest since you disappeared or how he tried to chase you when you first walked out that night but Luke conveniently stopped him randomly before he could catch up. Yeosang spoke about Seonghwa's anger, his pain. He was guilty of hurting you but you were willing to forgive him as you came to realize it was all a mistake.

"I'm so sorry my love. Please, shout if you have to. Slap me for the words I spoke. Hell, break up and break my heart as I did yours if you so wish. But please, please know I am sorry." He rambled as tears were also pouring from him. His shaking hands held your waist, his face tight in the nook of your neck. His whole body was hyper-aware of every move and breath you took. Your heartbeat makes his beat faster. He was so angry with himself. You pulled away from him, your hand falling onto his cheek, rubbing softly on his ruff skin.

"I forgive you." You whispered, looking him dead in the eyes. A small smile broke on your face but it fell as his hand grazed your stomach. You looked down, hearing his choked-out hiccup.

"They are dead because of me..." He cried. You grabbed bother his hands, bringing them in between your own in a tight grasp.

"Don't you dare say or even think that! Those cowards, sick, and weak idea of men are the reason. Not you, not me. They took her from us, they are the reason she's gone..." You tried to make light with your words, trying your hardest to make him feel better. But in truth, you were also feeling like it was your fault. That you weren't able to fight hard enough to keep your little girl alive. Like you failed before she was even born.

"S-she..." His bottom lip shook, glossy eyes growing big at your words and then it clicked, you hadn't told him about the gender of the baby because of the fight getting in the way.

"Yes. I went that day we fought. I wanted to tell you in person but that changed with..." You trailed off remembering the words that were spoken that day. Those words will never leave your mind. Even though you forgive him, it will always hurt.

"Hey, Hey I got rid of Luke. Turns out he has been putting us against one another this whole time. He kept telling me about your unfaithfulness and how the baby wasn't mine and he said similar words to you at me. I'm sorry I should have listened to you instead of some punk on my staff list." He kicks himself yet again at his stupidity. Silence fell as he just held you, bringing comfort to you. His hand rubbing the small of your back as your head rested on his shoulder. But soon the silence was filling with your little chuckle, making Seonghwa sit up to look at you in confusion, thinking 'Oh no, she's gone mad'.

"What's funny?" He huffs. You lay back sighing into the soft pillow as another chuckle follows.

"I guess we were both idiots huh." You smile, now it's Seonghwa's turn to laugh.

"Yeah, we are."

"But you're my idiot." You open your arms to invite him into the bed. He moves fully onto the bed, laying on his back to place your head on his chest. His arm in case you in a gentle cuddle, making you nuzzle your nose into his neck.

"And you are mine, my love." He replies to you, kissing your forehead.


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