053 | Jongho | My Angel

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Smut | Supernatural | Fluff

Warnings : unprotected sex, riding, nipple play, pet names, use of religion (angels and demons), praise, let me know if i missed anything.

Notes : Demon!Jongho just wants to finally ruin his Angel!Reader lover. Honestly this is pure smut and not much plot. Jongho is a soft dom.

"Jongie~" You whimper as he pulls you onto his lap, kissing down your neck. The smell of whiskey slips off his tongue. A small record player, playing classical on vinyl to make background music. The red velvet against your knees as you dig further into the couch with Jongho holding you tight. Kissing along your neck, leaving marks in his path. He slips the straps of your nightgown and bra off your shoulders, giving your newly exposed skin sloppy kisses.

"Gorgeous." He mumbles under a groan, you grinding your hips again on his thick hips and thighs. Sex was a forbidden act among your kind. An act only two angels could do once they were linked and together forever as one. An act to only bring one thing to this world. Procreation. But here you were, losing count of how many times the man before you has opened you to new things.

"Let's take this off." He spoke in a low pant, pulling you up to stand along with him. Your gown falls, pooling at your feet on the floor. Jongho licks his lips, sighing at the sight of you, drinking every aspect of your body, never getting tired of how angelic you look even in the dirtiest of scenarios. He quickly unbuttons his dress shirt, you bit your lip, letting your hands roam over his bare chest. He chuckles at your expression, still innocent even though your thoughts are nothing but sins.

You look up at the man smiling at him, a twinkle still in your eyes. A spark of your sweetness. He lets out a low chuckle, wrapping his arms around your bare waist, snuggling into your neck. The light touches of his fingertips and kisses all over your neck, drive you crazy. Like you've been touch starved for all your life, (well that part may not be wrong), your body was willing to bend to Jongho's will.

"You're so dirty, my little angel." Jongho laughs, grabbing the back of your neck, pulling you into a rough but passionate kiss. You whimper into the kiss, biting his lip. He picks you up as if you weighed nothing, cause of his demonic strength, you wrap your legs around his waist. He walks swiftly to the end of the bed before placing you down with a gentle thud. Leaning against your elbows you crawl up the bed, keeping your lips connected with his at all times.

"Comfy love?" He cooed as you reached the pillows, laying down. Your hands run up Jongho's chest, with blush forming from his words. How can someone that's supposed to be pure evil, still be so caring? He snuggles himself in between your opened legs. He kisses every part of your exposed skin, slowly moving down your body. Both his hands caressing every inch of you. His soft lips retch your inner thighs, teasing you, he bites your flesh making you shiver under him.

"Ah Jong~" You claw the sheets below you, moaning out his name. The sanitation making you already melt for him. Your cheeks blushing red, heat rushing through your body. He chuckles licking the bite mark.

"Say my name like that again." He bites your other thigh, hoping to get another moan out of you. But this time your hands fly to his head, gripping his hair, letting out a cry while your hips involuntarily grind into nothing. He lowly growls at your action, satisfied at how your body aches for him. Sitting up he sees your flushed face, eyes closed and mouth agape.

"Look at me, Angel." You open your eyes obediently, seeing Jongho sliding off the bed, taking his belt off before stripping himself of his suit pants. Letting them drop to the floor, he kicks them away before he props himself next to you, laying on his side.

He whispers dirt yet sweet nothings, draping your arm over him. Hand gliding on his shoulder blade before settling on the back of his neck, your fingers tangle themselves with the ends of his hair. He smiles into a kiss on your neck, painting your skin in his marks. His hand travels behind your back, making you arch it for him to have better access to unclip your bra. He kisses your collarbone once more before slipping the item of clothing off your body. He looks up seeing your now naked chest, breath hitching from the sight. Wasting no time he grabs a hold of your left nipple pinching it before wrapping his mouth around it, sucking hard. While the other hand gropes your right breast.

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