029 | Reaction to being Bitten or Turned

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Suggstive | Fluff | Angst | Gore | Supernatural

「Synopsis」 : Reaction to Ateez bitting or turning their s/o

Paring: Vampire!Ateez x Human!Reader

[Warnings] : Mention of Death. Most of the boys think they are monsters. Mentions of the Mafia in Seonghwa part. Blood drinking (obviously). Details of sexual activities. Swearing. Pet names. Blood (again, obviously). Angst in Yunhos part.. oops. Reader dies.. woops. Yeosang is a little mean and blood hungry. San has glowing eyes (that's a warning, haha) The reader is Human except for Mingi's story where they are a wolf. Kidnapping. Wooyoung calls you Doll cause that's a warning. Fingering, oral. Making out. Mention of a blood moon making vampires crazy with blood lust. 


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A Lord of the Kingdom and your king. You were his queen, but you soon realized he would one day outlive you. He had run the kingdom for centuries and never had a queen until he met you. He never thought of the idea of love until he met you. And this thought came to worry you. It became such an obsessive thought that you started to think of the unspeakable. The one thing you knew Hongjoong would never do. He wouldn't want to put you through a permanent change. Altering your DNA completely. Losing the humanity you were greatly born with. With his words exactly; 'I can't make you a monster like me.' But in truth, you didn't see him as a monster, more of a creature with a higher purpose. He was your king, the love of your life. Your beautiful monster. And you wanted to be with him for the rest of your life and more. Through the undead. From death, we shall never part...

"Are you sure you want this? I can't change you back once it's done." He held you close on his lap while a burning fire started to settle behind you in the old fireplace.

"Yes, Joong. You are my one and only. I want to be with you. For eternity." His Undead heart swooned at your words, leaning into your neck. He could smell the blood pumping through your flesh.

"As you wish. My dearest."


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The right hand to one of the ruthless gangs, Seonghwa, was feared just like the others under Ateez. He never showed any form of mercy until he met you, the rival's daughter with a heart of gold. He became obsessed with you. His mind wandered to the idea of ruining you. Tainting you until you become his little blood bag. But yet he kept his composure, never wanting to put fear in your eyes. He grew soft around you, harm was never an option. He was now going to be your protector whether anyone liked it or not. This would be a secret, of course. You were his rival's daughter, and he would do nothing but show how much he hated you in front of others. But behind closed doors, in the comfort of his penthouse. He could show you exactly how much he adored you. And what made his undead heart do flips was when you begged him for him to seal your love for one another in the form of a bite mark.

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