122 | San | Make Me Yours

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Suggestive | College Au

【Synopsis】 : Mr Choi wants to speak to you about your grades and how you have been sich a good girl for him.

Pairing: Teacher!San x Student!Reader

[Warnings] : Making out. Swearing. Mention of inappropriate relationships and behaviour. Late 30s San. (Beefy Dilf San is a warning). Reader is in their early 20s.

The little dance San and you were doing for the past couple of months was wearing your patience thin

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The little dance San and you were doing for the past couple of months was wearing your patience thin. He knew by the way your eyes lingered too long on his arms or the way you bit your lip when he caught your stare. He even took notice of the way your thighs would clench when you got lost in a daydream that was most certainly—one hundred per cent—about him fucking you ruthlessly in some type of horny position.

But who could blame you? The other male did wonders for your brain. The way he spoke, the way he was dressed. Heck, the way he would write so perfectly on the whiteboard in front of the class. He was the definition of a god amongst men. And everyone in your college class knew it.

You can overhear some of the girls that always try and sit in the front of the room—so they could be closer to Mr Handsome—speaking about how they want to see which one of them could sleep with him.

That made you laugh.

Like he would sleep with any of them. Like he would sleep with any of his students for that matter. Even though this was a college, and you were all well over twenty-one. It would still be immoral and unprofessional... right...

The bell shot you out of your thoughts as people began to exit the room quicker than they came in, but before you could depart as well, Mr Choi called your name. "Stay back for a moment, please. I want to go over your marks."

Great, not only were you in trouble for probably failing, but he had to say it out loud for the rest of the students to hear. The groups of girls scoffed with a smirk, amused at the thought of you being in trouble yet again. It was like you were just attracted to trouble and couldn't seem to get yourself away from it.

The last student left with a small click of the front door, sealing you and Mr Choi together alone in the large dim room. You sat in silence for a moment until he finally looked up at you, tilting his head in a gesture to say "Come," which you did.

"So it seems you have yet again knocked my expectations... an A plus is hard to achieve in my classes." His voice was laced with genuine proudness and sincerity. You took a seat on top of the front desk, letting your legs dangle with a smile on your face.

"What can I say..." You met his gaze. "I had a good teacher..."

He chuckled at your words. He took his glasses off before softly placing them on his desk. His eyebrow was cocked as he tilted his head with a scoff, "Just good?"

His voice became lower, almost gravelled into a whisper. It made you shiver with anticipation as you gripped the edge of the desk you were perched on.

"He's a great teacher..."

You spoke with a whimper, worried you might slip up your wording if you spoke any louder. The older male stalked you, moving slowly towards you. You felt small near him, in the best way. Comfort and excitement mixing together. His hands sit on each side of you, resting palm down on the table. His face was inches from yours, letting you smell the morning whiskey he had before work.

"Is he only a great teacher?" Now he was the one looking for trouble. Your mind started to spin, and you wanted nothing more than you seal your lips with his bit you waited

"No... he's great at other things..."

"And what's that?"

"He's great..." You gulped, not really knowing what he wanted you to say, but you decided to wing it and let your heart and brain flow together for once.. "at making me cum.."

He lost his shit when you said that, latching his lips against yours in haste. He wasted no time in snaking his hand down your hips to the top of your jeans, linking his fingers in the hoops before pulling you almost over the edge, so your core could meet his aching cock that confides in his slacks. His hips ground against you, making you moan into his mouth. His tongue took this chance to slip in, exploring what your sweet mouth could offer.

Your hands flew to his hair, tugging on his gelled scruff. Everything was happening so fast, but then again, it was always like this when Mr Choi could get between your legs.

"S-sir..." You hiccuped, feeling dizzy from his kiss alone. He pulled away to stare at your glossed eyes, feeling such power in your expression.

"What is it, my little dove? What do you need from me?" His voice was honey, spilling into your soul. Your grip tightened at the end of his neck, letting out another whimper from the feel of his hips grinding so painfully slow against yours.

"Please, sir...Make me..." You brought your hands down to pull your tie off. Slowly unbuttoning your shirt to reveal your black laced bra—his favourite bra—. "Make me yours."

His fingers gripped your shirt by the opening and yanked, snapping the rest of the buttons off, making them fly across the room. His lips latched against your neck while his arms cased you in a firm grip. You would never have to ask him twice about pleasure cause he was more than willing to provide it to you.


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