045 | Jongho | Not as Innocent

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Smut | Slice of life

Warnings: Making out, A lot of swearing, Bite marks, Scratch marks, Dirty talk, Dom Jongho, Sub Fem Reader, Riding, Eating out, If I missed something let me know.

Warnings: Making out, A lot of swearing, Bite marks, Scratch marks, Dirty talk, Dom Jongho, Sub Fem Reader, Riding, Eating out, If I missed something let me know

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Hotness. The need for touch is so unbearable it could hurt. The thought of your boyfriend slips in and out of your mind. His touch, his breath against your hot skin. Oh, how you ache for him. His lips, his body, his deep beautiful eyes. The perfectness, gentleness, his love.

"Argh," You sigh out flicking your hands in a huff onto the soft mattress. You feel so lonely. You said to the boys you wanted to retire to bed because you were tired. Even though you all were on holiday at the beach house, the day was filled with excitement and so much sun, leaving you exhausted from the heat.

But ever since you headed up to the room all you could do was stare at the plan ceiling. The boys are most likely still awake, given San and Wooyoung were determined to get late-night takeout, even though it's almost twelve in the morning.

Tossing and turning you try your hardest to sleep. The soft pillows and comforter suddenly feel hard and no longer pleasing. Huffing again, the thought of your boyfriend hits you.

Out of all times, now?

You thought, annoyed at yourself. Finally getting out of bed, grabbing your shirt that you threw off earlier and pants following. You put them back on so you were no longer in your underwear.

Seeing all the boys outside, relaxing in the summer breeze. Drinks and food are all over the table, as they enjoy themselves finally getting a break from promotions. You open the glass sliding door stepping outside quickly. The boys all eyed you suddenly at your appearance, having their few words slipping out with chuckles.

"Oh look who's still awake."

"Did you sleep already?"

"Couldn't stay away from us could you."

You chuckle at their remarks, never ceasing to amaze how cheeky they could be. You move swiftly to the back of Jongho's chair, snaking your arms around his neck laying your palms on his chest. Noting Wooyoungs goofy 'eww' comment, you whisper into Jonhgo's ear.

You want to be sexy, blunt even. Not something you're used to, cause let's face it you would be considered the shyest person ever. You can't even order food without mildly panicking. But this time you wanted to be confident.

"Baby, If you don't come and fuck me right now, I might go crazy." You almost moan out into his ear, feeling heat rush through your body. The drink Jongho was drinking quickly came back up at the sound of your sweet voice in his ear, choking out. He leans forward, letting you slip away from him before walking back inside with a simple 'night boys' pursuing.

"You okay there Jongho?" Yunho pats the poor maknae's back while he cough's up a 'yes'. He has never seen you act like this. You were not one to usually ask for sex or anything for that matter. But now, all he could think of was what you said was really hot.

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