013 | Wooyoung | Wide Awake

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Fluff | Suggestive | Fantasy | Wolf Au

「Synopsis」 : Wooyoung's brain can't seem to go to sleep, and what's worse are the little noises you keep whimpering in your sleep... How would react to their bunny hybrid mate getting hurt? 

Paring: Wolf!Wooyoung x Hybrid!Reader

[Warnings] : Lots of kisses, woo is very horny, reader for hurt earlier without him knowing, bed breaking, dirty talk (kinda), swearing. 

Part 4 of the Wolf!Ateez x bunny!reader Series

In the most simplest term, Wooyoung was absolutely frustrated

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In the most simplest term, Wooyoung was absolutely frustrated. All he has been wanting. No. All he's been Craving is to come back early from the late-night run, curl up next to you and snuggle until the late hours of the next morning. But on this occasion, he can't even seem to close his eyes. Let alone make his brain fall asleep. You, however, are snuggled in his hold, snoring ever so lightly. Sleep was gifted to you many hours before he returned home. God he wished he didn't do patrols until late, but since the rush of rogue, the protection status for the pack needed to be pulled up. He was stuck on guard duty.

When he walked through the doors and saw you had left a dim lamp on in the hall so he could see when he got back to the little cottage, it broke him. You knew he wasn't going to be back home early like he promised. You didn't mind though. It was a part of his job. But he still feels bad every time it happens.

He let out a sigh, shifting under the covers, trying his hardest not to wake you. But he freezes in a sudden movement when he heard what spilled out of your mouth. 'D-Did they just moan?'... Oh, Wooyoung is even more awake now. Hearing that little whimper slip off your tongue just made his brain short-circuit. He looked over to see you were still sound asleep, your lips parted slightly, your eyes squeezed shut tight and your thighs rubbing slowly together. You were dreaming peacefully.

"W-Woo..." You whispered out making him groan out. Fuck sleeping cause he's wide awake now. You were really having a wet dream while he was right next to you. He felt proud you'd dream of him but guilt also erupted in him since Hongjoong's new rules, it did keep you from him so he has been unable to provide for your or his needs. Now a question is running through his head, does he wake you, or let you sleep? Looking over at the digital clock that sits on the side table it reads 3:58... it's almost four in the morning.

"Pleas-" You hiccup, twitching in your sleep. Your thighs were squeezed tightly together, rubbing them subconsciously to relieve the ache. Wooyoung watched intensely. He was about to snap. He doesn't want to take advantage of you but at the same time, he can't help but think over the thought of you wanting him even in your sleep.

"Fuck..." He groans, turning over so he could pull the duvet aside so he can climb on top of you. His head dips to your neck, kissing your hot skin to try and wake you up slowly. But your eyes squeezed shut further, the sensation drawing you deeper into your lucid dreamland. His fingers dance on your sleep shirt, playing with the hem of your shorts. His lips grew hotter as his k-nines gazed at your flesh. The wound that bound you to him, scared and beautiful, always made Wooyoung's heart sore when he sees it. Trailing kisses and harsh purple marks along it down to the edge of your collarbone.

"Bunny, wake up my love. Let me help you." His words were softly spoken, wanting nothing more than to bring you slowly out of your slumber. Trying his best not to scare you and jolt you awake. But as his hand grazed the side of your hip. The feeling made a hiss pool from your lips as you gasp awake.

He pulls off you entirely, thinking he had just hurt you, but his judgement misses, falling backwards in a fright. He hits the beam on the four-posted bed, snapping the thin wood, clean in half. The whole bed frame tilts before crackles of wood echo in your ears. Your eyes widen suddenly seeing Wooyoung fall, taking the bed with him. The front leg snaps jaggedly, the mattress falling through the frame onto the floor. Your body flies forward from the movement, landing on top of Wooyoung.

"Well, that wasn't supposed to happen..." Wooyoung could help but chuckle at the situation his horny mind just caused. his arms wrap around your waist, still laying in the same position as you fell.

"What on earth happened?" You asked in confusion, rubbing your hip where his hand has touched previously.

"I should be asking you, what did you do to your hip?" His words spill with worry, sitting up, doing his best to keep you on the slightly tilted mattress. His nose brushes your own, closing his eyes briefly.

"I fell trying to retch some herbs tonight. It's nothing."

"Nothing?" He sat up looking at you with a gasp. "Nothing?! My baby went to bed hurt and I didn't even know about it!!" He started kissing your hip, inspecting it closely to see if any bruising was forming, -which there was-. You laugh at his sudden outburst of care, trying to push him away but you weren't really using all your strength.

"Okay Woo, Stop! I'm okay. " You pull him up but his face, your palms resting on his cheeks, squishing his face slightly. "Now." You gave him a small peak. "Are you going to fix our bed or must we try and sleep on an angle?"

His grin grew for a moment as an idea popped into his head. Sitting up he lent over and snapped the opposite bed frame, giving in the other leg so the mattress was now perfectly on the floor. You look at him in confusion, gasping in disbelief that he just now broke the bed on purpose.

"What was that for?" He didn't answer your question, instead pinning you down with your hands above your head. He gives you a small kiss in return before leaning down against your ear.

"I want to finish that little dream you were having."

Oh shit, you almost forgot about that...


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