110 | Yeosang | Play Fair

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Suggestive | Fluff | Gamer Au

【Synopsis】 : You were Bestfriend. You loved one another so much to the point that you hated each other. Well, at least video games and help you let off steam... among other things.

Pairings: Bestfriend!Yeosang x Bestfriend!Reader

[Warnings] : Swearing. Mention of sex. Dirty talk. Teasing. 

Over and over again

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Over and over again. Game after game. Whether it was video games, board games, physical or mental games, and tricks. Yeosang and You were both determined to beat one another.

It started out light-hearted when you were kids. Just innocent banter and competition. But as you got older, it became more heated. Fights broke out and more than one occasion. Mostly verbal fights, but when you too started wrestling for a victor, your other friends would have to pull you off each other and put you in time out as if you were still kids. Neither of you was violent by any means, but the tension between you two was high. You became rivals more than friends. Enemies even. You didn't hate each other, though. In fact, you could stay away from one another to the point when you both graduated college, you moved in together.

Some may say it was a bad idea, but your friendship became ultimately stronger because of it. Your fighting lessened. Your bickering had almost stopped. Leaving nothing but friendly competition. But something out sparked, something that had always been there, but it has only surface now. Sexual tension. The way you would catch yourself staring too long at Yeosang's arm as he works out. Or the way he would shamelessly watch you in only your oversized shirt―his old shirt―and panties in the early morning trying to reach for a cereal bowl that is on the top shelf. He always got a perfect view of your ass and the way it jiggled when you jumped. You both were quickly becoming more and more frustrated with one another in that aspect, and it made it exceptionally harder when you both were playing video games.

This was one of these nights.

You were sitting so deliciously in your loose sleep shirt and your way to short PJ bottoms. Yeosang could tell you weren't wearing a bra from the way your tits would bounce when you moved in the attention of the game you were playing. Tonight was Mario night, so of course, Mario Kart was one of the games you both were playing. After you finished setting his up, you peered over to Yeosang, letting him know it was ready. And even though he was indeed excited to play the game―more so beat your ass in it―he couldn't help but feel saddened at the fact he could no longer keep looking at you.

"You ready for me to beat your ass?" You drew him out of his thoughts with a smug remark and smirk panting for pretty features. God, how he wishes to wipe that grin off your face with his own mouth.

"You mean are you ready for me to beat your ass." his words were indented for the game, but he also thought of the idea of spanking your ass raw until you were screaming over his lap. He had to place a pillow on his lap for the rest of the night as his mind kept wandering to the dirty side every time you jumped wiggled or sighed next to him. His patients were wearing thin, but little did he know, you knew exactly what you were doing.

Purposely, walking around the house bottomless, bra-less, or just with minimal clothing in general. You could feel his stare on your body and the way his eyes hooded when his gazes racked over your legs. And what made you start this secret game was when you overheard him over the phone to one of your friends mentioning he has a huge crush on you and that he doesn't know if he should confess or not. So here you sit, playing dirty, like you've always done with him. But this time, it was for more than a cheap victor in a game. No, you wanted him to give up and confess his love.

"Come on, slow poke!!" He cheered, finally getting past you on the road, whacking you with a bomb before flying off in front. You grumbled out, trying your best to catch him. One more lap left, if he wins I swear to fuck. You thought, suddenly getting an idea. You were both near the finish line, just one more bend left. Which was a bend in the road that took a lot of concentration and if you don't drift at the right time you'll crash into the sidebars. So as you both started to turn you spoke.

"Hey, Sangie we should fuck afterwards."

Oh, the poor boy's brain just short-circuited. Did you really just say what he thought? Taking his eyes off the game, he looked at you for a second, noticing your expression was still the same. Your game face, as he called it. Tongue poking out with frowned brows. With his attention being shifted, you managed to hit him with a banana peel before just by only a mere couple of inches, beat him over the finish line.


His gaze snapped to the screen, seeing he had lost. Did you trick him? He couldn't believe you tricked him with the promise of sex. He huffed, throwing his pillow on his lap towards the tv, but alas, it landed lazily just in front of the coffee table, not making an impact with anything. "You're not playing fair. I would have won if it was for—"

He cut himself off quickly. Maybe he heard you wrong. No, he definitely had to have heard you wrong. You were his best friend, his second half, and his partner in crime. You wouldn't say something like that, right?

"For what, Sangie?" You tilted your head, looking over at him with a small smile. "for saying we should fuck?"

"Oh god." Yep, he definitely heard correctly. "You can't say things like that doll." he leant back, letting his head rest on the top of the couch, his arm draping over his eyes, thinking he might wake up at any moment, and this was just his brain trying to torture him

"Why not?" You placed your controller on the table before crawling over his lap, letting your thighs sit on either side of him. He could feel the heat of your core against him, making him rumble a sound deep in his chest. "Don't you want to fuck me?"

"I...." He couldn't answer. It was like everyone in his brain had gone home for the evening, leaving Yeosang to for defend himself. There was a silence for a moment before you let out a chuckle, and not just a little chuckle no, no. This was a hardy chuckle, one that could bring you to tears if you kept going. You place your hand on his shoulder, letting him soften his stiff body and let out a slow breath he had no idea he had been holding.

"It's okay, Sangie. We don't have to. I was just teasing you." You knew he liked you, and you liked him. But you didn't want to break the poor boy's mind. "Let's play another round, and if you win, we can do whatever you want next. And if I win, I get to pick. Okay?"

He could only nod before finally snapping out of his daze. He grabs his controller in a manner of determination. Your smile never faltered as you gabbed your own controller. He now needed to win and was going to do anything in order to get his way. And little does he know, you were -for one- going to help him. Cause even though you are competitive and wish to win, nothing would be more pleasing than seeing what Yeosang would do once he won.


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