085 | Seonghwa | Innocent Rumours

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Fluff | HighSchool Au 

「Synopsis」 : Hiding you're relationship while in high school is one thing but having to deal with other guys flirting with you because they think you're single? Nope, Seonghwa is having none of that.

Paring: Student!Seonghwa x Gn!Reader

[Warnings] : Jealous Seonghwa, possessive Hwa, Slight suggestiveness, swearing, some angst sprinkled on top of mountains of fluff. 

In high school, secrets seemed to be as rare as a red diamond

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In high school, secrets seemed to be as rare as a red diamond. Everyone knew each other's hidden lives. Hidden dark or weird pasts. No one was safe. But yet, you both seemed to hide in plain sight. You were already friends, you already hung out. So no one would bat an eye when they saw you near one another. The only difference is status. Seonghwa is no doubt a popular boy. A heartthrob on campus. But you. If we had to base it off class you lay in a middle to upper middle class. You weren't unpopular, but you weren't being invited to hang with the cool girls at lunch that's for sure. You were content with your status anyways. You didn't want popularity. You just wanted a smooth high school life. Well as smooth as a struggling, stress-filled student life can bring.

You chose to keep your relationship with Seonghwa a secret for a couple of reasons. One being you both didn't need nor want the attention. The headlines of 'Who stole the heart of the Heartthrob' made you both cringe. Seonghwa also didn't want his popularity, —Even though he didn't even want to be popular— to change anything between you. He fell for you first after all. He was head over heels for you ever since you became friends. Even if he didn't want to admit it. So the thought of putting you in a light you didn't want to be in, made him protective over you. And your relationship.

So here you both are, Laying under a large old elm tree on the edge of campus. No one ever wonders down here because of the teachers yelling at students for being too far out of sight. But you and Hwa still manage to escape to your safe haven. Your head rested on his lap as he brushed his fingers through your hair, patting you like a cat. You were just chatting, about nothing really. But then again you could speak for hours about nothing and it could be the most interesting conversation you've had with someone. Seonghwa popped another strawberry in his mouth, tasting the tang of the sour yet sweet juiciness of the fruit. You lifted your head slightly off his chest, seeing he already ate nearly all the strawberries.

"Hwa!!" You gasped, slapping his chest lightly making him chuckle at your reaction. You lean over to grab one but he grabbed it before you could and quickly ate it with a smile plastered on his face. You let out a fake whiny cry, pouting at him. He pats your head apologizing, picking up the last strawberry to give it to you.

"Open up." He makes an 'ah' expression for you to follow. Which you gladly obey, looking at him with soft eyes, you wait for him to put the strawberry in your mouth. But what you didn't expect him to do was suddenly place the berry in his mouth with a cheeky smile following. You gasp for the second time clutching your heart in a dramatic movement.

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