060 | Jongho | Before You Go

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Romance | Fluff | Some Heartache

Type: Jongho x gn!Reader

Warnings: Shitty parents, nothing else really just sappy stuff

Synopsis: New town, New people, New beginning.

Moving from place to place was never something you enjoyed

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Moving from place to place was never something you enjoyed. Seeing new people, experiencing new things was great and all. But the one thing you always wished for was a home, a place to put a story to rest, a place to grow old. Moving to Seoul was definitely something you didn't plan, but when your parents urge you it was going to be 'fun' you followed. Parents were supposed to be loving and most were, but with an absent father consumed by work that forced you to move since you were young and a mother that always managed to drink until she drops, you never had the luxury of love. But you stayed, even after you graduated from your online schooling. You couldn't stay in a place long enough to get a job, nor did you ever have enough time to make friends. You were dependent on them.

Seoul was beautiful, the most welcoming place you've been to. The food was great, the people were kind, and every little thing was breathtaking. And by everything you meant the deep chocolate-haired boy that liked to sit at the corner café, drinking the same iced Americano and he would secretly get two pumps of caramel because even though he wasn't a fan of sweet things, he had more of a distaste for the bitterness, but liked the aesthetic the drink had. You would always catch him in the elevator when he came home as that was the same time you would go out for your evening walk. Turns out he lived right next door. You brought him rice cakes one time as a 'hello we are your new neighbours' thing. God his smile made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. You found out he had seven brothers, and he was the youngest. He said you should meet them one day, having never had a big family of your own.

He found out you liked sweeter things unlike him. You like strawberry milk with cream on top, and snaking on sweet jelly candies. You always scrunched your nose when you were focused on something and your hair would never stay out of your face, yet you refused to cut it differently. You smelled of jasmine and freshly cut roses. Your shampoo was scented of vanilla, giving off a warm homey feeling. He knew about your parents, and why you moved around. He knew one day you would have to pack up and leave. But yet he fell for you anyways.

That's how you ended up laying on his couch, talking for hours every day for the past month. Your face rests on his broad chest, feeling his steady breath as his chest rose and sunk. His fingers brushing through your soft hair, you finally felt comfort. Tomorrow was moving day, your father received another assignment aboard. Only this time, you didn't want to leave. You didn't want to be dragged by your parents anymore.

"Please just one more kiss before you go..." He whispered, pulling your chin up to look at him. There was sadness in his eyes, he didn't want you to go. He wanted you. Locking your lips to his, a tear escaped, rolling down your cheek. Maybe staying was possible. This was different this time. You had someone to help. You had someone who cared. So maybe this wasn't just one last kiss, but the first kiss for a new beginning. Who knew the boy next door was the one for you.


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