056 | Yunho | Fault Pt.1

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Romance | Heartache | Angst

Type: Yunho x Gn!Reader

Warnings: lots of pain, Yunho is kind of an ass and an idiot. Sad ending [sorry I've also realized this gives off a right person, wrong time kinda vibe but eh]

Synopsis: The love of your life never took notice of your secret crush on him and when he turns up months later with someone else, it shatters your heart.

part two is located on page 158 <3

It has been like this since you were kids

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It has been like this since you were kids. Falling head over heels and too afraid to ever spill the truth. Years go by, new partners that failed to have the same love you had for Him. Each day trying to find something new, just to distract yourself from the pain. The day you found out he was with someone and planned on marriage it shattered your heart. Not only did he hide his relationship with this unknown woman for months but is now engaged. You couldn't understand. It was like the world crashed down on you.

You noticed he became distant. He stopped with the late-night calls, the random show-up at your apartments and the crazy adventures you went on. It was like he didn't want to know you anymore. Like he wanted nothing more to do with you. Like your friendship meant nothing to him. And it broke every fibre in your being. You lost the one person you truly cared for. You had no one else, only him, and now you were alone. Maybe you should have confessed when you were younger. Maybe you should have just kissed him and poured your heart out that one night you both went to karaoke. But you were scared. Scared to ruin your friendship. Scared to lose what you had. Scared to lose him. But you ended up losing him anyway.

The announcement shocked everyone, to say the least. You were standing in the archway of the kitchen at the boy's dorm —that he moved out of months prior— watching him mingle with his brothers in the lounge. A few left to grab takeout and such leaving only him and three others. You didn't want to mingle, let alone be anywhere near this place. Sure call it selfishness, or jealousy but seeing him happy when you were in so much pain, killed you.

You needed a breather, leaving down the hall towards the bathroom. But little did you know he was watching you the whole time. The first time you arrived at the dorms, up to when he announced his engagement. He could see the pain in your eyes. He could see the self-conflict in your being. But you didn't love him, did you? You only thought of him as a friend, a brother, nothing more. But yet here he stands pretending to be happy, pretending that meeting this girl that clearly only loved him for his status was the love of his life. When he watched you walk away, away from him. And it was all his fault he knew it. He loved you, he wanted no one but you. Yet he pretends.

Following you down the hall, he is met with you in tears, holding your hands firmly on the edge of the sink. The bathroom door opened ajar, he witness you at your most vulnerable. He wanted to step in, but the months have made you distant, like a stranger all over again. He knew each tear that fell was his to be blamed for. He hurt you, and he was sorry. But he didn't know how to go about an apology.

"Y/n." He whispered, his palm resting on the door as it creaks open. You stood up suddenly backing away from him. You wipe your face, quickly, looking down at your feet. You didn't say anything, worried you might spill anything that would ruin your life, or his.

"Y/n I—Don't, please don't..." You stopped him, making him gulp.

"Y/n I'm sorry, I know this was all so sudden and—" You stopped him again, looking him dead in his eyes.

"Sudden? Sudden!" Your voice gets louder as you speak, "You leave without any notice. I go months without knowing where my best friend is. Not knowing if he was dead or not. Crying myself to sleep thinking I was never going to be able to tell him how I truly felt. And when he finally comes home...." You choked on your words, tears running down your pushy red cheeks.

"You have a fiancé, Yunho..." Your words gutted you, burning you to the core. He was riddled with guilt, he thought having a picture-perfect life would mean his feelings for you would stop, but they just became stronger. He too was now crying, raking his fingers through his hair before letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry y/n...I just...I don't want to lose you." His words were broken, his voice cracking and shaky. you give him a fake smile, a sigh leaving your lips. You walk past him before stopping in the door frame.

"You already have..."


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