054 | Hongjoong | Stalemate P.t2

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Smut | Fluff | Adventure

「Synopsis」 : Maybe Ruling the far sea would be better if done together.

Paring: Pirate!Hongjoong x Pirate!Reader

[Warnings] : Unprotected sex, swearing, powerplay, pet names, Oral (F receiving), Dirty talk. 

Everything happened so quickly

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Everything happened so quickly. He spun you around so your back could lay against the cold wooden deck of the ship. His hot tongue licked down your neck, nibbling your exposed skin. His right hand held your wrist above your head as his left slowly pulls at your corset strings. He was taking his time with you, which made you wiggle in impatience. He chuckles at this, biting hardest on your top chest.

"Joong..." You whisper, pulling at your hands, making him sit up so his face was hovering over yours. His nose brushes against you, feeling his breath mix with yours. Your tilt your head upwards so your lips could touch, grazing just slightly. He smiles at your action, locking his lips with yours. His hand loosened, his guard dropping lightly. This gave you the perfect opportunity you slip your hands out of his grasp, put them on his shoulders and flip you both in a quick movement. Hongjoong hit the ground in a huff, looking up at you with a shocked expression.

"W-Well..." He smirk with a stutter, shifting slightly as you got comfortable on his lap. Your lips attach themselves to his neck, leaving your marks on him this time. His hands hold your hips, grinding your pelvis down hard onto his crotch. His hands squeeze your flesh. One moving to your ass, cupping it. You both groan as you both continue your assaults. Your lips lock with his, his tongue snaking into your mouth within seconds. A fight for power was heavy. Tongues, hands, position, everything. He grew impatient, wanting to take over this dance, so with his right hand, he drew a loud and harsh slap on your cheek, making you gasp against him.

"You like that Princess?" He bit your bottom lip, slapping the other cheek this time, making you sit up straight on his lap. Your hands rest on his chest, making him tilt his head at your movements. You guide your hands over his chest to his shoulders, leaning down so your breasts are pushed flush on him. Your lips inches from his ears, you whisper;

"I'm no Princess." Standing up, you walk away towards your captain's quarters. Hongjoong layed there for a moment, watching you from his upside-down view. Your legs were perfect in his view. Your boots strapping high to your knees, they were tight making you look longer. You made this man's heart do flips, and you didn't even have to try. You opened the door turning to see Joong still laying where you left him, watching your every move like a hawk.

"Well? You coming?" You call out, laughing lightly as you watch him scramble to get up as fast as he could. You turned your back to him, walking inside, he entered within a blink, shutting the door faster than how you opened it. He watched you like a hawk, he was a starved man ready to devour his prey. Your bodies collided the moment you turned around. His force weighted you down, making you fall onto the soft comforter on your bed that sits in the centre of the room. His lips trail down your neck, suckling hard, leaving bright marks in his wake.

You slipped out a moan, fingers raking through his tangled split dyed hair. His hands wandered over each part of your body, untying the strings on your corseted blouse. You both were throwing clothes everywhere as your desires became more and more unbearable. He was left in his thick black pants while you were in your panties. His eyes gazed over your body, seeing scars and bruises from battles you've been in. You were a strong and independent woman that was the toughest person he knew. But now here you were, vulnerable and all his for the taking.

"Fuck you're beautiful." He cursed, kissing down the valley of your plump breast, his tongue licking strides over your hard nipples. Trailing down over your tummy, to the hem of your panties. He locked his eyes with yours for a moment as you watched in desperation as to what he might do next. His teeth sank into the fabric, pulling it down but his teeth. Before you could even speak his mouth was connected to your clit, sucking harshly. You gasped loudly, maybe a little too loud in fear someone might hear you. But all you could think of was the sensation of his tongue licking lines on your folds. His fingers snaked towards your hole, before slipping one inside, and then another. You moan his name, gripping onto his hair roughly, causing him to groan in response.

He sat up, kissing his way to your collar from your hips. His face met your blissed-out expression, nose rubbing against yours. You look at him with hooded eyes, mouth hanging in a slight 'o' shape as he starts to pick his pace up with his fingers. Pushing in and out of you in rough and hard movements.

"J-Joong I'm..I-I-I." You couldn't speak, feeling your brain fill with fuzz. But he knew what you were trying to say, picking up his pace until you came undone on his fingers. As you rode your orgasm he slowed, before pulling out. His three fingers that were deep inside you, now enter his mouth as he stares at you while you moan at his actions.

"You taste so delicious, like the finest rum or wine." He growled, his voice deeper with more gravel in the tone. He slips his pants off, his cock springing free. Your eyes widen at it. He wasn't huge but his girth was impressive. You gulped as he crawled on top of you. Your hands snake into his hair, pulling him into a feverous kiss. His hand slides along your skin making you shiver. His hand grabs the base of his cock, stroking it for a moment before sliding the tip along your wet folds. You bite your lip, keeping your eyes on his. Neither of you look away, living in the moment of pure bliss. He wants to see every expression you make as he pushes each inch inside out. Your warm tight walls clench around him sucking him deeper. His voice broke into a groan as your moans mixed with his. He started slow, pulling all the way until it was just his tip inside before pushing back deep with every thrust.

"Joong, Ah Please." You stutter, your fingers tugging tight on his hair, making him growl at the sensation. He got rougher and harder. Sitting up your hands fall to the bed. He leans over while still inside you, grabbing a pillow that was sitting unused. He lifts your hips to put the pillow under you so it can give him a better position. His shallow thrusts now became even deeper his spots you didn't think you could hit. Retching out he grips both of your wrists, locking them above your head.

He snaps his hips, drawing a high-pitched moan from you with every harsh thrust. His one hand grips your hip, nails digging tight fearing to draw bruises for tomorrow. The tingle in your stomach was becoming too much and Hongjoong could tell you were getting closer as your walls hugged him tighter and tighter.

"I'm gonna cum baby. Please, let him cum inside. Let me make you mine." He whimpered in desperation, panting as sweat formed on his brow. You moaned in response, fuzzy at his dirty words.

"Please Joong. Please do anything. I'm yours." You whisper opening your eyes briefly to see him with his eyes screwed shut, chasing his own high. His grip was loose on your wrist, giving you a chance to slip them away, putting them onto his cheeks. He opened his eyes to your actions, seeing a smile gazing on your face. You looked at him with so much love, and it made butterflies flutter in him. You are perfect to him. Everything from your body, personality, soul, and being. You are his everything and he finally has you. Drawing one last passionate kiss, you pull your body close to him. Both falling from your highs, feeling all your emotions heighten. He is your King and now you are his Queen.


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