099 | Hongjoong | Made For Me

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Paring: Boyfriend!Hongjoong x Reader

[Warnings] : Choking. Oral (m receiving) blowjob. Dirty talk. Pet name. Some sadistic nature. Mentions of a safe word/safe action. Fluff at the end. Kissing. Swearing.

It was something you never thought you would do in the bedroom. Your heart beats quickly in your ears as you hear the final click of the collar around your neck. Hongjoong gives it a little tug with two fingers and the pressure is nice. The thought of a collar around your neck goes straight to your gut. Hongjoong could tell you were excited about the leather around your neck. You had always wanted one and he wanted to make sure that he gave one to you when the time was right. And what better time than right now? Hongjoong lets go of the collar and tilts your chin upwards so he could stare right down at you with a grin across his face.

"You ready?" He asks softly stroking your hair with his free hand.

You exhale slowly and nod, "Yes."

Laying down on your back on the bed in a smooth motion, you can hear another chuckle emit from the man in front of you. The sound was sadistic and dark. Like he was a predator finally succeeding in capturing his prey. You watch your lover stalk over to you. The blood is already rushing to your head as your neck starts to feel the strain from it dangling over the edge of the bed, making you see everything in an upside-down view. You swallow, feeling the tight leather of the collar hugging your neck nicely. Hongjoong now stands right in front of you, being left with only seeing his crotch and long legs in your sight. You feel his fingers pry open your mouth softly with a sly and slow chuckle.

"Open wide, angel," he cooed, lust slipping off his tongue.

Opening your mouth wider, you feel the head of his cock entering your mouth. You close your lips around him, tasting the saltiness of the precum dripping from him. It's a bit of an odd position, him standing behind you while you're head rests over the side of the bed. But it works, cause as he begins thrusting forward at a slow but steady pace, little by little you realize how easy it is for him to get down your throat. You hollowed your cheeks more to help him while focusing on your breath coming in and out of your nose. Hongjoong can feel our nails digging into his bare thigh. It made him slightly stutter his thrusts at the thought he could possibly be hurting you, but he knows if you did need him to pull out, all you have to do is tap him three times.

"God you feel so nice, angel. So warm. It's like you were made for me." His thrusts became erratic and unsteady. He was close already, feeling his head spin slightly. Desperate pants and groans made your ears buzz, and your heart skip a beat. He raises his hand above his head, locking his hands against the back of his neck, placing his biceps on either side of his face. You moan for him, sending a vibration around his shaft, making Hongjoong choke out a whimper at the sensation. One of your hands let go of his thigh, retching to grab his balls to give him a gentle squeeze. This made a heat burn hotter in his gut, letting go of his neck, he grabbed your collar. He uses it as a handle of sorts to fuck your mouth hard and faster.

Somehow he's able to go deeper, letting him see himself in your throat. he swore the sight could make him come on the spot. But no, he needed to last a little longer. So he pulled out quickly, making you suddenly gasp for air. You rolled over coughing as saliva splattered all over the floor and the edge of the bed. You were about to ask what was the matter, having full thought Hongjoong wanted to come down your throat, but before you could speak, your lover grabbed the collar, tugging on it so you would fall onto the floor with a thump.

"You are such a perfect little baby aren't you? Hmm..." He spoke softly, grazing your cheek with his thumb before swiping it over your swollen lips. For a moment you stayed like that, nuzzling into his hand as he watched you.

"Please, I want to taste you," you beg, lowering your face to his cock again. He smiles at how good you are and grabs the back of your hair in a fist. He guides you down slowly onto his dick even though you've been doing this for the past hour. He takes you down all the way so your nose is tickled by his pubic hair. You flatten your tongue and relax so he can move your head, using you like a fleshlight. He picks up a rhythm that tells you he's going to come. You grab his thighs and squeeze, digging your nails in as you feel your own wetness between your legs start to drip down your thighs. Saliva is running down your chin and you feel on the verge of choking. But you don't gage, you hold yourself together for him as he uses you.

"Angel, I'm gonna," he pants as his thrusts stutter. He pulls out halfway so the head of his dick sits on your tongue before he cums. His hot load feels and tastes so good. He pulls out once he's done and it leaves you panting and whining with a mixture of cum and saliva dripping down your chin onto the floor. You can only imagine yourself a mess right now, red in the face and pathetic. But damn, you loved it. Hongjoong seemed to as well, crouching down into a squat so he could be eye level with you. His face is painted with a soft smile, unliked the smirk he wore prior.

"You look beautiful," he says and kisses you.


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