079 | Seonghwa | A Little Obsession

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Suggestive | Smut | Fluffy

「Synopsis」 : Instead of getting ready to go see his members, Seonghwa would rather spend his time with you and your boobs of course.

Paring : Seonghwa x Female!Reader

[Warnings] : Heavy Breast Play, Praise Kink, Seonghwa is a simp for you and your chest.

It was like another ordinary day and what that means is Seonghwa laying on top of you with his face between your breasts

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It was like another ordinary day and what that means is Seonghwa laying on top of you with his face between your breasts. His hands softly grip all your curves, fingers grazing over the goosebumps that form on your silky skin. You knew when Seonghwa said 'little nap' it was going to be anything but little or a nap. The boys were expecting you two to show up for dinner within a couple of hours, but you still haven't moved. Choosing to stay in this comfortable position with your big baby of a Boyfriend having his way with you.

His lips caught your neck, lightly groaning as his tongue lapped over the bites he left behind. He held you down with his weight, giving him all the time to make you melt. His left-hand snakes under your —well his— shirt, gripping your cover breast. He squeezed slightly, listening to your little whimpers. His actions were slowly getting rougher and rougher. He kissed up your jaw, shifting up so he can hover over you, leaning on his elbows and knees. His left hand still needs your breast switching in between each of them. While the other one holds the back of your neck making sure you cannot move.

Your back arches into his chest, hinting for his hand to whip around your body to unclasp your bra. But he sits up watching you follow his lips in desperation. His hands grip the hem of your shirt while staring deep into your eyes. You understand his non-verbal command, sitting up to throw your shirt off. You lean on your palms perking your breasts up so he and ogle at them. His mouth fills with drool, watching as your chest breathes in and out. He wanted to be slow and take his time with you but at the same time, all he wanted was to literally rip your bra off and fuck you silly just you to watch them bounce everywhere.

But he leans down kissing your collarbone down to the top of your boobs instead. The soft flesh becomes wet as his tongue licks every part he can find. He nips you lightly making you whine. His bite grazing over you, he begins to suck hard, leaving harsh purple marks over your skin. He groans looking at his work, seeing you laying down covered in his marks.

"Fuck you're gorgeous." He whispers before locking his lips with yours in a feverish kiss. His patient is running thin, unclasping your bra within seconds, letting your breasts free. He swear he could come just by looking at your body. You are perfect in every way. From head to toe, you are his everything and he was yours. He continues to praise you with sweet nothings while his right-hand palms your exposed breast. His mouth latches onto your perked nipple, sucking hard making you let out a broken whine.

"S-Seong!" You couldn't even finish his name as your brain turns fuzzy. Your hands land on his head raking them through his thick black hair. You tug lightly making him groan out at the painful pleasure. He removes his lips from your chest with a loud pop, moving his free hand to grab your chin.

"You pull my hair like that again and I won't be able to control what comes next." He growls out with a smirk. You just smile back at him, tugging at his hair again.

"That's it." His arms wrap around you, pulling you up onto his lap. You giggled out at his actions, taking place on his thigh. You bit your bottom lip watching him take his shirt off.

"I want you to fuck yourself on my thigh while I tend to these beautiful babies here." He grips both of your breast squeezing lightly. "Now go on, don't stop until I tell you."


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