091 | Seonghwa | Erratic Dreams

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Paring: Seonghwa x Reader

[Warnings] : Swearing, Pet names, Oral (F receiving), reader has female anatomy.

He has been battling his mind for around what seemed like two hours. Tossing and turning on his side of the bed. He tried ever so hard not to wake you, even with his frustrated huffs and puffs. He thanks you're a light sleeper, or maybe he has just mastered the art of being in pain silently. Either way, he thanked whatever god, you weren't waking to his insufferable shifting. Your light snores, made his heart race. The way your eyes fluttered shut while you were whisked away into your dreamland. You were so beautiful in his eyes, so elegant. Like an angel that walked the earth. Fuck, he is going to lose it if he keeps going. He can't stop thinking. All his blood is rushing south, making his head dizzy. He needs to deal with his problem before he combusts.

"Fuck." He sighed, rubbing his bludge lightly while rearranging his boxers. You finally shift, turning onto your back, resting one of your arms above your head, while the other lays on your stomach. His eyes grow at the way your chest rises and falls. His body moved faster than his mind, his hands shuffling the blankets until he could situate himself underneath. He bites his bottom lip at the dim sight of your covered core. Resting his face on your soft thigh, his cheeks graze your flesh. God, he was so in love with you, it drove him mad. His fingers slipped under the hem of your underwear, pulling them to the side ever so slightly. Just enough to come face-to-face with your core. He blew his hot breath against your wet heat, feeling your legs shift slightly. He didn't know if he wanted you to wake or not. I don't think he cared. But seeing your body move and tense from his touch when you're so deep in sleep. It turned him on.

"H-Hw..." He could hear your small whimper through your sleeping groans. He wanted to hear more of those sounds. Diving straight into your core, he wasted no time licking a long strip up, mixing his saliva with your slick. He ate you like you were his last meal, holding your thighs down as your body begins to wake up. And as you become more vocal and your eyes snapped open. He sat up straight, pushing the duvet away to reveal himself with a smug grin.

"HHwaa..." You gripped the sheet below you, gulping down a thick ball of spit. His eyes were filled with hunger, looking at your like prey.

"I'm sorry bunny. I couldn't help myself."


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