087 | Yeosang | Nothing But Disrespect

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Fantasy | Smut | Angst

Paring: Alpha!Yeosang x Luna!Reader

[Warnings] : Objectification. Swearing. Hate sex. Spanking. Using a belt to tie the reader up. Fingering, dirty talk. Pet name. Use of the words slut, whore and bitch. Heavy degradation. Choking. Crying kink. Yeosang laughs at the reader. Little cum eating. Lots of body fluids. Pussy slapping. Big dick Yeosang cause why not. Angst. Angry Yeosang. Fighting. Some fluff at the end I guess.

Frustration brewed in Yeosang as he paced the halls of the pack grounds

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Frustration brewed in Yeosang as he paced the halls of the pack grounds. He didn't mean what he said to you. But his pride refused to let him apologise first. Yes, you were both in the wrong, and you both were well aware of that. But the heated argument didn't stop until you walked out of the room. Storming to your shared living quarters without him. He stays in the main hall for a while. Keeping his distance from anyone. And if anyone dared to speak to their angry leader, he would growl in a tone that scared anyone's wolf away.

It had only been a couple of hours. Four? Five? Heck, it was probably going on six at this point. His wolf was howling, begging for him to just give up this silent no-talking game that you and Yeosang had started. But no, he needed you to apologize first. So, after finally stopping his frustrated pacing, he went to his study to try and get work done in order to distract himself. It worked for maybe five minutes before he threw some papers—that were most likely important— on the floor.

Fuck it. He thought, getting up to make a quick stride over to his living quarters but when he aggressively opened his study room door he is suddenly met with a sight he didn't know he was going to witness for another week.

"Y-Yep..." It was you. Carrying a sad pout and clenched thighs. He could smell your arousal leaking out of you. Your eyes were already glossed over and full of desperation. Through the fight, he completely misread the date, forgetting your heat was approaching. It took every fibre in his being not to pounce on you then and there. God, you smelt amazing.

"Come to apologize, I see." His cockiness grew, knowing you would have to apologize now, and then you can both just forget about the silly fight. But little did he know you weren't going to give up that easily either. Even if you were on your heat and desperately craved him. Two can play the game, and by swearing to the moon goddess herself, you were going to try everything in order to win. Even if that means you make him even madder than he already is.

"No. It's you who should apologize." You bit at him, while his hands snaked around your waist, pulling you inside the room before closing the door with your body. He had you pinned. Unable to move. Just how he liked it. His cocky smile stayed plastered on his face, tilting his head slightly he whispered against your neck.

"Hmm from what I can remember it is you who started this. And besides, it seems you have a problem only I can fix. So I think you better start begging for forgiveness." His hot breath tickled your skin, he was teasing your body, wanting to bend you. Break you. But you pushed him away slightly, showing fire burning in your eyes.

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