003 | Ot8 Reaction to their insecure s/o

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Angst | Suggestive | Fluffy.

Synopsis: Reader doesn't like their body image so what happens when you accidentally send a sexy photo to them?

Warnings: Talk about body image. Mention of food, tattoos, angst issues. The boys are just the most supportive boyfriends ever.

 The boys are just the most supportive boyfriends ever

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You couldn't find your phone anywhere. Looking in not only Joong's room but every room in the dorm. The others offered to call it but sadly it went straight to voice message. You were beginning to freak out at the thought someone might have your phone. The stupid thing about this is that you didn't have a password on it. So anyone could open and look at all your secrets.

Especially the photos you took when you bought some lingerie and finally felt confident. But your insecurities took over very quickly, unable to bring yourself to share them with your boyfriend like planned. You headed towards Hongjoong's home studio, admitting defeat, wanting nothing more than to crawl into a hole.

"Joongie I los—." You cut yourself off mid-sentence seeing your phone help tight in your boyfriend's grasp. A smirk covered his face, tilting his head slightly with his eyebrow raised.

"When were you gonna show me these huh?" His voice was low, making your heart race. But you look down, feeling disgusted at yourself, knowing he was staring at your erotic photos.

"I‐...I planned to delete them...they are gross.." His demeanour changed in seconds. Standing quickly, he wrapped his arms around you, drawing circles in your back.

"Hey, they are beautiful, you are beautiful. God baby, please don't cry. I love every part of you. Including your body. You are perfect." He whispers, making sure to comfort you until you felt better.

" He whispers, making sure to comfort you until you felt better

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"Darling can I use your phone please, I need to call Joong but my phone is dead," Seonghwa asks, leaning over the couch frame where you sat reading your book.

"Sure," you handed him your phone without question, going back to your book. Hwa quickly left the room, opening your phone with your pin, he stopped in his tracks at what he saw when he opened your phone.

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