132 | Wooyoung | Dimly Lit Bathroom

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Idol Au | Suggestive 


【Synopsis】 : Wooyoung couldn't keep his hands off you on a regular basis. But when he sees you in such a sexy outfit, he has no choice but to drag you to the nearest bathroom.

Pairing: Idol!Wooyoung x F.Reader

[Warnings] : Fingering. Marking. Pet names. Dirty bar bathroom sex (eeww hehe). Clit play. Making out.

You never thought Wooyoung would be up for something as risky as this

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You never thought Wooyoung would be up for something as risky as this. Cause let's face it, even though he loved attention, you never expected him to be rushing you towards the women's bathroom in the back of a loud crowded bar away from your group of friends that would surely be looking for you both at any moment now. His grip on your wrist was tight, while his eyes scanned for a spot perfect for what he wanted to do. When he saw you show up in your outfit tonight, he couldn't keep his eyes anywhere but on your body and the way you swung your hips to the beat or laughed at one of his friend's jokes, he knew in the bluntest way possible, needed to fuck the living shit out of you.

The bathrooms were covered in graffiti, and the smell of overly-scented perfumes and weed tickled your nose enough to make you cough lightly. And the mess was severely unhygienic. But none of that mattered at that moment. All that did was getting your lips on his. And that is exactly what happened. Teeth clashing, and tongues were dancing. Desperation was the only thing present, and Wooyoung was in the mood to feed it.

"You look so fucking hot in this fit baby, I can't keep my hands to myself." His breath tickled your flesh as his words danced down your jaw to your neck. He bit down harshly on your jugular, suckling a purple love mark on you. You just leaned against the countertop, taking his assault on your neck obediently. If someone were to walk through the main door and swing the corner they would be greeted straight away with a sight of the century. The Jung Wooyoung, fucking his pretty girlfriend. The idea sparked excitement, the crudeness, the rawness. Everything was so dirty. Something you've never done. And Now Wooyoung was the one tainting you into enjoying something as messy as this situation.

His right hand was kept tightly on your hips, but his left hand explored your body. Squeezing your breast lightly, tugging on your clothes, and slipping into the top of your pants. His fingertips glided along your panties, pulling on the fabric before letting it go so it would snap back against your skin. You hissed at the feeling. Bucking your hips, you non-verbally gave him approval to slip further into your undergarments, letting him cup your pussy. His long fingers slip along your folds, stroking until he finds your clit, pressing down harshly. "Like that doll face?"

You nodded like a ridiculous bobblehead, moaning as your hips didn't falter against his hand. His free hand, which sat on your hip, slowly made its way to your neck, wrapping around it tight enough to cause your brain to short-circuit. Your whimpers were music to his ears, and no matter how loud the yelling and noise people call singing outside grew, all he could focus on was your pretty voice. His slim appendages slipped into your dripping cunt thrusting in and out at the pain-staking pace. He watched your face scrunch up with your brows knotting on the top of your cute head. Your eyes opened vaguely, staring at him with his favourite expression. Fucked out and begging.

"Please, Woo. F-faster pleaseee." Your words made his ego grow, and the way you sounded was so hypnotic, how could he possibly say no? but he wanted you to work for it.

"Come on baby, you can be louder. Let everyone hear how good I'm making you feel.."It was only when you heard his growling voice that you remembered you were in a very public place and that anyone could see you in such a vulnerable position. But yet a tingle in your gut made you realize you didn't care. All you cared about was being a good girl for Wooyoung and getting what you wanted. So you moaned, heck almost screamed his name as he got faster, maybe not as loud as the music but definitely loud enough that if anyone were to come to the door they would hear you.

And as you got closer to your release, Wooyoung held onto you tighter, clashing his lips on yours. You came all over his hand with a high-pitched moan feeling your brain fill with fuzz. It was euphoric and messy all at once. "You think the boys would be looking for you by now?" you choked out panting against your lover's neck.

Wooyoung had to chuckle catching his gaze in the mirror behind you. Kissing your cheek he noticed a pair of eyes in the mirror, hiding behind the corner. "Don't worry, I have a feeling they know what we're doing."


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