108 | Seonghwa | Pretty Pirate

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Suggestive | Angst

[Synposis] : Pretty Pirate goes messing with things she shouldn't.

Paring: Siren!Seonghwa x Pirate!Reader

[Warnings] : Swearing. Pirate talk. Making out. Nudity (non-sexual and sexual). Neck kissing. Mommy!Seonghwa. Mommy kink. Plot twist. Manipulation. Triggering scenes.

Being on the sea was freeing, like time stops when you take your first inhale of the salty air. The damp wood under your palms and the light chirps of seagulls. The leather clutches your figure and the faint smell of liquor on your breath. People told you, yelled that wouldn't survive on the open water.it's no life for a person like youthey would repeat that to you over and over. You never like your family anyway.

"Hey Peach! We are docking soon. Tell cap we hit ground in five." One of your crew mates, Yunho, called out, making you shake away your blurred and rambled thoughts. You nodded to the taller male, skipping over to the heavy oak door, before banging on it, hard.

"Cap'n we are about to hit ground." You hear a loud grunt from beyond the door, you roll your eyes before walking away to look out to the island ahead. Your heart skips a beat thinking, remembering the touch from a special secret someone. The night you met him felt like magic, like a dream you never wanted to wake from. But sadly when sun rose and your crew members' voices echoed through the dim cave system. You knew the myth, the man that stole your heart, was gone.


"Yeah I hear ya, I do but at the same time I don't care." You shrugged your shoulders jumping from the deck onto one of the small boats that are hooked on the side of the ship before you hopped over the side, onto the soft sand below. Wooyoung's shocked expression made you laugh waving him goodbye before you heard him screaming on the top of his lungs;

"You are going to get in trouble. Cap doesn't like us running off without his knowin'." He slammed his fist on the dark railing shaking his head as he watched your figure slowly disappear from his view. You were going to be the death of him, literally.

Entering a sizeable open-face cave you stare in awe house the setting sun hits the wet structure's walls so beautifully, watching the light reflect and dance on the calm water pools. You hoped, prayed you might see your lover, curious if he got word from the birds that you were travelling over his home. And as you crossed passed a large rock formation and spotted a lilac blue tail with a white blend. his hair was as white as sea foam and his skin was pale, soft, and porcelain. He was the definition of perfection.

"Hwa!!" You called getting the merman's attention. He gazed in your direction and his smile grew wide. You could see him whispering before a soft glow danced around his body, transforming his tail into two long, elegant legs.

"Hello, my love." He spoke softly, taking a wobbly step so he could take up next to you. Even though he was not born with a tail, his legs are surprisingly long, meaning he towers over you, making you feel so small, but in the best way.

"I missed you." Your eyes never left his, almost ignoring the fact that the man before you was naked. His hand cupped your cheek, wiping his thumb against your skin. His heart was racing, wanting nothing more than to ravish you with desire. You were a perfect little plaything in his eyes, a toy for his own pleasure, and your obedience was also a plus. In a way, he was deeply infatuated with you.

"I missed you too Peaches." His words made butterflies dance in your tummy. You had spent hours, days with this man and he still made you feel like it was the first time being with him. You couldn't explain the pure dizziness and happiness you felt when he was around. But it's always as if you were floating on a cloud and Seonghwa's voice lifted you higher and higher. "Let me show you how much I missed you..."

His breath tickled your ear, feeling his wet tongue lick the shell of your ear before he bit down lightly. Your hands fly to his shoulders, nails digging into his damp skin. His lisp travelled from your ear to your jaw, neck, and collarbone, leaving bite marks―not hickeys―but actual bite marks from his sharp teeth. He needed to taste you, taste the pleasure and excitement spilling out of you.

"Remember what I taught you last time Peach?" His voice became deep, hypnotizing. You nodded with a whimper, silently begging he would continue what he started. His eyes faded into a darker colouring, looking at you with complete lust and curiosity. "Say it..."

"Please take me, Mommy."

Seonghwa's eyes rolled back slightly, while he took a breath in. His hand, still against your cheek, moved down to your hip where the other sat. Pulling your body closer so you could feel his erection against your tummy. "God, you are so good... Such a great listener for Mommy."

You were under his complete control, wanting to do whatever he pleased and he was living for it. His lips formed a smirk, staring down with sadistic, yet soft eyes. Hands clawed at your clothing, his long nails dug and ripped the fabric, letting the tattered pieces fall onto the sand that tangled between your feet. You watched him closely, as his snaked pupils dilated, tongue darting out of his mouth breathy almost looking at you like his prey.

"Pretty pirate getting soaked right in front of me." His hushful voice danced in your ears making you feel like you were floating. He wasted no more seconds, latching his lips against your jugular, sucking a harsh, bright, and dark mark. Lapping over the mark, his tongue racked down your bare body. His hands grope your breast, pulling your body closer. You whine, raising your hands to rake them through his damp hair. "My pretty pirate." He tugs you closer, making you almost step on your own feet.

"M-Mommy..." You begged for it, for his touch, his love. Fingers dancing over one another's bodies, feeling hot flesh under your tips. His sharp shark-like teeth graze over your skin, creating goosebumps in their path. He could smell your arousal mixing with the salty sea air. It's intoxicating.

"Don't worry. Let me take care of you." And with that he sealed his promise with a kiss, one filled with lust, hiding a small amount of passion underneath. Teeth clashed and moans were swallowed. A chuckle grew in his chest, slowly walking you towards him. Your eyes were closed, taking in his scent, the texture of his skin, the sound of his heartbeat. You were swimming. Swimming?

"H-Hwa?" You pulled away noticing your body from your waist was underwater. When did you walk into the water? Looking up at your lover you take in his gaze. It was cold, but your head felt like it was spinning, so the coldness didn't alert you. The softness of his hands, the faint smile. He was pulling you more profoundly, but you felt no fear. His faint praises guided you, feeling your body begin to relax.

"Pretty, pretty pirate. You did so well. My perfect little pirate." His words melted your heart, feeling the cold water surround you. His eyes weakened for a moment, feeling guilty. But as he watched you slowly submerge fully under the salt ocean, taking your last breath. He knew this was the only way. Cause, in the end, he was a siren and he can't go against his nature.


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