009 | Yunho | Run

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Fluff | Fantasy | Angst | Wolf au

「Synopsis」 : Nature has and always been your closest friend but what happens when it gets you in a situation that leaves you helpless...How would react to their bunny hybrid mate getting hurt? [A mini series]

Paring: Wolf!Yunho x Hybrid!Reader

[Warnings] : Broken bones, the reader gets trapped, Yunho goes full blind panic, some insecurities. If I missed something let me know.

Part 4 of the Wolf!Ateez x bunny!reader Series

You woke up in an empty bed, which was very unusual

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You woke up in an empty bed, which was very unusual. Your lover Yunho was always one for morning snuggles but this time he was up and gone way before you. You knew why, but it still felt like you were left alone for other reasons. But you shake those unnecessary thoughts, hopping out of bed yourself. Since you didn't have Yunho today, cause of his training, you chose to do some things you haven't been able to get done. So you pick out an outfit, before getting ready to head into the forestry along the border of the pack grounds. You grab your basket for your herbs, fungi and any other flora you might find while you're out. You wave goodbye to some of the passing pack members, before heading out the gates.

You wonder for about an hour, collecting an array of items for your greenhouse. You even found some anise, which you've been searching for a while for. You wanted to try it on Yunho and you hoped it actually worked like the folk lore's had predicted in your book. You looked up to the sky, eyes wondering through the thick branches of tall father oaks. You noticed the sun was reaching its peak soon for lunchtime was upon you at any passing minute. So you hopped to find a nice spot to settle so you can have your snack you pack just in case you were out longer than you planned.

You settled under one of the largest trees in the forestry, he was an old and gentle elm tree. You lent against the trunk closing your eyes for a moment, feeling the dark timber breathe slowly in and out, sending oxygen into the surrounding air. You felt at peace in the thickness of the forest. It was your only home before you met Yunho and even though you love living with the pack, on the grounds. You miss the freedom and quietness of mother nature. Yes, you still have the cottage that you and Yunho stay at some days through the week but it's the not same. All you wanted was to breathe along with nature.

Your moment fell short as you hear a snap, then a crackle. Your fluffy ears that rested calmly on either side of your head suddenly perked up listening carefully. You looked around for where the noise came from but then all of a sudden the noise was on top of you. Looking up you see and hear the last crack of a tree trunk, bringing it tumbling down towards the ground. You jump, trying to get out of the way but you were too slow. You feel a surge of pain ride up your leg as you scream out. The large trunk landing right on your calf, trapping you under it. You lay on your back, letting a few tears fall from the feeling. You try your best to get the branch off you but it's way too heavy for you. You were stuck, alone and hurt. And what was worse no one knew exactly where you were.

The training was tiring but necessary. Yunho woke up early leaving as silently as possible but not before kissing your forehead lightly whispering 'I love you'. He didn't want to get up and leave you alone, but off we went to the training grounds to meet his brothers before the sun even rose. That was almost ten whole hours ago. He was tired and wanted nothing more than to have a shower —with you of course— and then snuggle against your soft body. But he kept going. Hongjoong called for one last task for the session before everyone could go off and enjoy the rest of the day.

Yunho knew what he was getting into for this mission. He needed to use his sense of smell to find one of his pack brothers that had been hidden In the forest. The chosen was Wooyoung in this case. And was it mentioned that he had to be blindfolded the whole time? He was ready. Seonghwa pulled the cloth over his eyes, darkening his view. He had to use his smell and hearing alone. Checking his breathing, he calmed himself, getting ready to run into the opening of trees. '1,2,3'... Hongjoong's voice echoed in his ears before a whistle rang, making his legs bolt before his brain could catch up.

He knew Wooyoung's scent pretty well, but he silently wished he was looking for Mingi, given he hangs out with the other giant more than the loud young one. But as he started to separate different smells, he finally picked up the minty lavender scent of Wooyoung. The fresh pine and roses from his perfume. He chuckled to himself thinking 'This was too easy'. But as he got close to his scent another clouded his judgement. The smell of vanilla, crackling fire and a faint claim of him. It was your scent. He didn't know you would be out here at this time... trying to shake your scent, he heads towards Wooyoung but you creep into his mind again but this time he smelt a hidden sting of distress. You were in trouble?

"Fuck." He turned around, running towards your scent, pulling his blindfold off while weaving through the trees. The bright light of the sun affected him but he kept going until he spotted you laying on the forest floor among wild lilies and clovers. He scanned your body and noticed you were passed out. Falling to his knees he hovers slightly over you, rubbing hair out of your face. You were breathing thank god. But then a horrible scent fanned his nose.


He grazes over the trunk and saw your leg was wedged underneath. He grabbed the branch, picking it up with a huff at its weight. He was in a panic. He didn't know how long you'd been out there nor how much blood you could of possibly lost already. His heart was racing a million miles per hour. You couldn't die. Not when he just got you.

"I swear to god if you die on me I'll kill you." Tears were pouring down his face as his choked-up words would have been comedic if not in such a scenario now. Checking any signs of broken bones, he makes a mental tick that your leg was most defiantly fractured but other than that you might only have some hairline breaks. He needs to get you back to the grounds so Yeosang can check you up in the infirmary. He grasps you tightly, snaking his arm under your knees and back. Carrying you in a cradle position. He starts to run. Running faster than he ever has before.

He weaved through the trees avoiding anything in his path. He finally spots the gate and sees his brothers standing with confusion on their faces. Yunho felt himself puffing as he started to call, or more so scream out.

"Help!! T-Their hurt!!" His voice was high, cracking at every syllable. He kept repeating over and over again in his head. please let them be okay. Please for the love oh god. Mingi took you out of his hands as Seonghwa and Hongjoong grabbed a hold of Yunho, trying to calm him down. They walked you and Yunho to the infirmary all praying to themselves that you'll be okay. But from all this commotion and panic they all forgot one tiny detail about the evening.

"Guys? Yunho? Where'd everybody go?" Poor Wooyoung called but no one answered.


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