014 | Jongho | Prey

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Fantasy | Fluff | Gore | Angst | Wolf Au

「Synopsis」 : Your past catches up and an old friend comes to finally take you back to the cruel home you once knew... How would react to their bunny hybrid mate getting hurt?

Paring: Wolf!Jongho x Hybrid!Reader

[Warnings] : Blood, knife, reader gets cut, jongho goes wild, lots of gore, cruel words, swearing. Jongho in a suit cause that is a warning on its one. 

Part 4 of the Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!Reader Series

Part 4 of the Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!Reader Series

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You were just doing your normal run. Grabbing supplies and then heading back to your cottage. You were rushing a little bit because you needed to still pack your things for the couple of nights you will be at the Ateez den. Jongho had begged you to come over to see his brothers so tonight you finally agreed. You were excited but very nervous as well. So the best idea you could conger was to get some supplies for a calming medicine. A simple recipe to calm anything from overthinking thoughts to a shaking body. But what you didn't expect to see was an old face on your journey.

You stopped cutting the fungi, hearing the leaves and twigs snapping under the weight of someone's footing. You looked over to where the sound had come from while still crouching in front of the large elm tree. His smile caught you off guard. He has gotten bigger since you've seen him last. His pitch-black ears stood straight up high, not even flopping as he tilts his head to the side.

"Funny seeing you here." His voice got deeper too, it's no longer the pitchy mismatch tone you remember. He aged the two years you've been gone. Well, out casted... you were stunned, to say the least, standing up slowly, you drop your items in the basket with caution. Your community was housed in the far east, almost two whole forestry's down. Why would he be this far out? Unless...

"Wolf got your tongue?" He chuckled, taking a few steps towards you. Hairs on your body stood up straight as a bad feeling rushed into your gut. Even though he was a friend back then, he has become nothing more than a stranger now. He didn't stop or even fight to keep you in the community. All you can recall is seeing him watch from the sidelines as you were shunned out of the village. He was no friend to you.

"Why are you here?" You finally speak up, taking a step back from him. He watches you closely, moving in time with you. Until a tree stops your footing, making you unable to step away from him anymore.

"I thought you'd be more of, Hey it's so nice to see you. It's been ages. How have you been doing Jack? I'm fine y/n thanks for asking." His words got sharper as each one fell. He was annoyed at your hostility, getting tired of the way you are standing your guard up as if he was going to do something to you.

"Why are you here Jack... What do you want?" You sounded more stern this time, trying to keep your ground. You weren't the little defenceless bunny anymore, you had a voice. Jongho helped you with that. Jack, however, didn't like this new you. You weren't mould-able anymore, he can't bend you like he use to.

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