161 | San | Beggin'

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Pure Smut With No Plot hehe. Also thank you hsvejfohwbdjj for reminding me about this filthy fic ahah.


The thought of San, literally begging for your milk ever since you started lactating. And his groping kink would be worse, too, since your tits have gotten bigger.

He would be wild 24/7. Walking up next to you, snaking his hands from behind, he would grab a full handful of your breasts. He can see some milk leaking through your shirt, and it would turn him on so much.

His favourite thing would be to pinch your nipples in order to see the milk spurt out slightly, dripping down between his fingertips and when his mouth is wrapped around your buds, argh he would be done for.

The sweetness, the smooth texture, he would be going crazy. Like before, he probably would hump the bed the whole time he is suckling on your tits while he gets his fill of milk. His grunts and high-pitched whines would go straight to your core. The way he worships you, you would boost your ego so much you would feel like a goddess among men.

But what would send you over the edge is when he finally sits up and his milky lips that drip your juices are inches from yours. His eyes glazed over and head filled with fuzziness. He is so hooked on you. You are his addiction he never wants to give up.


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