049 | Yeosang | Why Do You Hate Me

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Angsty | Fluff | happy-ish ending

Type: Yeosang x Gn!Reader

Warnings: Pinning, heartache, Yeosang being mean, sad vibes. mention of abandonment issues. Kissing. (This is kinda a friends to enemies to lovers so oops)

Synopsis: He was your best friend, the one you thought would love you forever. But as time passed it seems to be that your perfect fantasy of love might not be true.

 But as time passed it seems to be that your perfect fantasy of love might not be true

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You hated him, well you tried to hate him. But how could you, when you grew up together? The shared secrets with one another while playing on the playground. Even having your first kiss together. But after moving away from him for the rest of Highschool and your college years, he suddenly hated you, without you ever knowing the reason why.

Your family were friends, you were friends with his friends. But yet, he could even look you in the eye anymore. So you said you hated him. Whenever you were in a room together, he would pick on you, so you took it. On worse days you'd picked back, causing the fire in his anger to be fuelled more. You could never get a proper conversation out of him anymore without it leading to a fight or him just plain out verbally hurting you.

You were sitting on the couch in the boy's dorm room, you got there a little early than you thought but luckily Seonghwa gave you an extra key just in case. So here you sit waiting for them to finish practice. That was until you heard a noise coming from down the hall. You thought you were alone but, guesses say one of the boys stayed home.

Going to check it out, you did not expect to see Yeosang just walking out of his room. He stopped the moment he saw you, immediately looking away to not make eye contact with you.

"Yeo, I didn't know you were here..." You spoke softly, not wanting to cause any more fights.

"I live here so...also don't call me Yeo." He barked, walking past you, making sure to purposely bump into your shoulder. You followed him into the kitchen, trying to speak to him along the way.

"So why didn't you go to practice? Not feeling well?" You tried to spark a conversation but he kept brushing you off. Looking into the fridge he pulled a bottle of water out.

"What's it to you? Why are you even here? I didn't know we were letting in strays." He growled, trying to walk out of the kitchen but you stood in front of him, making him stop in his tracks.

"What is wrong? Why are you always so mean to me?" You finally spoke up, having enough of his childish behaviour.

"What's wrong? Ha, says the one that—..." He cut himself off finally looking at you, he noticed the bracelet that he made for you when you were kids. Back when he promised to marry you one day. Back when he loved you. Without warning, he grabs your wrist. He traces his thumb over the old stones, slipping his finger beneath the band, he pulls it taut.

Your heart clenched worried he might take it from you or worse break it. "Don't..." You croaked.

His volatile dark brown eyes fill you up with a heartless smile "Chill, keep your stupid pebbles." He threw your wrist out of his grip, storming past you but you called out, making him stop suddenly.

"Why don't you love me anymore?" A tear broke from your eyes, looking down at the floor. "What did I do wrong to make you loathe me..." You cried, unable to stop tears from falling down your hot cheeks. He stood there for a moment seeing, you in complete pain and heartache.

He did hate you. He hated you for leaving him. He hated you because even after all the pain he keeps putting you through, the smile that he fell in love with still remains. He hates that your love is so addicting, all he wants to do is have you in his arms. He hated that he couldn't bring himself to open up, because he was afraid you'll leave again...

"Yeosang! Answer me! Stop running away! You keep pushing and fighting me. Please just tell me what I did wrong..." You blurt out but he stayed in his place, just staring at you without any emotion.

"Come on...Scream, shout... Tell me how much of a bad person I am. Tell me you hate me, and you never loved me so I can stop trying to love you—..." Your voice got caught in your throat as each word you said he took a step forward, making you take one back until your body was pressed against the kitchen counter. He stops right in front of you, his eyes bore holes into you. You were scared, your heart was breaking.

"Yeo please jus—Shut up and let me kiss you..." His voice filled with desperation, his shaky hand holding your cheek, wiping away a tear. He leant down, his lips merely inches away. You looked into his eyes, seeing so much pain.

You kissed him.

His hold on you got tight, as the kiss got deeper. Tears fell from his own eyes, breaking down the wall he put up. He hated you, yes, but not as much as he loved you.


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