112 | Mingi | Pretty Boy

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Smut | Mafia Au

【Synopsis】 : The ruthless mob boss and King of the city. A man that is feared by all. But when your fingers graze over his rough, scared skin, he is nothing more than your whimpering little toy.

Pairing: MobBoss!Sub!Mingi x Dom!Reader.

[Warnings] : Eding. Pet names. Mention of violence, drugs, criminal behaviour, and death. Cock choking. Hints of dacryaphilia. Unprotected sex. Mistress reader. Humping i guess. Hand job. 

The soft music that whispered in the warming air and the smell of a roasting fire set the mood for you and Mingi

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The soft music that whispered in the warming air and the smell of a roasting fire set the mood for you and Mingi. It was your anniversary, and tonight was definitely something special. You both had spent the whole evening, and most of the night tangled up with one another. Mingi made sure you two would not be disturbed, even if it was enduring importance. Mingi's soft whimpers and pleas as you echoed around the room as you tended to him. Edging him for hours. His face contorting in pleasure drove you to feel such power. Your ego grew with every shaky breath he took.

"You good baby?" You cooed at him, feeling his aching red-tipped cock twitching in your palm. You taunt him, egged him on. he was a mess from you, saliva spilling down his jaw as he hiccuped. Tears threatened to taint his cheeks. A gorgeous shade of pink painted his face. He never knew he could become such a shaky and mewling mess. His hands were tied so tightly, bruising his rough, scarred skin. He knew if his men saw, they would be secretly whispering about their leader being at your mercy. He would most certainly have them killed for speaking ill about their ruthless leader.

But then again, they wouldn't be so wrong. He was at your mercy. He was yours to use, yours to do as you so please. He might be a bad man, a criminal, even a murderer. But you changed him. Made him your toy. Your sweet, sweet baby.

"Please Mistress, I need to...fuck. I need to feel your pussy." His voice was whiny, high-pitched. A great difference to his deep grovelled bark most people were used to. Your free hand which was not currently occupied by squeezing his shaft tight, moved up his broad chest, watching it rise and fall in large sharp breaths. He was so close to cumming but yet so far from it. He needed to feel you before he could. Feel you wrapped around his cock, so nice and warm. "Please, please. Mistress, I need it so bad."

"Awe my pretty boy." You lean over kissing his nose, then his cheek, then his jaw and neck. You gaze upon his face, taking notice of the blush dressing his face and ears. Who knew calling the big bad mob boss, Mingi pretty boy would make him blush so much. "Have I ever told you, you blush so beautifully..."

"Oh god, fucking hell." He grunted bucking his hips up into your hand. You gave him one lone kiss, before sitting up, hooking your leg over his large thighs, feeling his wet hot cock against your tummy. You shift your hips, feeling him slip in between your folds before you finally grip his shaft, pressing his leaking tip to your hole. He slips inside you with one quick thrust. His gasp was music to your ears. You had to bite your own lip hard, silencing yourself so you may hear your big boy's wails. He watched you with watery eyes as you leaned over to the side table where one of his knives sat. You tilt the blade to his silk-covered bounds before slicing against them. Snapping his hands free. Your gaze finally met his and a smirk painted your face.

"Now be a good boy and fuck me nice and hard." 


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