104 | Mingi | Role's Reversed

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Smut | Fluff | Comedy

Paring: Boyfriend!Mingi x Reader

[Warnings] :Sex toys. Anal. Failed attempt at comedy. Insecurities. Dirty talk. Sub-ish (more switch) Mingi. Dom-ish (more switch) Reader. Swearing. It's soft yet rough? Aftercare. Mingi being a little baby. Reader is caring.

Once on, the strap-on looks much bigger and more intimidating. You give a light slap, and it wobbles in its place. You couldn't help yourself but smile at the pink dick. It was funny in a way. Seeing such a thing attached to your hips. Mingi, on the other hand, is looking directly at the dildo with a nervous look in his eyes. He's sitting on the edge of the bed naked with his hand in between his legs, covering himself almost embarrassingly.

"Are you sure about this?" You make sure you want to make sure he's alright with this. This is his first time, and you don't want to ruin him.

"Yes, yes," he looks up to you, "I want this. I want you," he assures you, and he is telling the truth. He did want it, but he just couldn't help but be nervous. He had thoughts about it. What it would feel like, but suddenly, being face to face with it, he now could understand how you reacted when you and he first slept together. You were nervous about his size. It's quite ironic in this moment.

You walk over to him and place your hand on his shoulders. He's tense, and you start slowly massaging his muscles. You do this for a good five minutes, taking your time to relax him, kneading at his arms, and going down to his hands. You kiss each knuckle on the one hand before going to the next. Holding his hands, you lift them above his head and push him backwards on the bed. You shuffle upwards, so you're sitting on his stomach. You bring your hands onto his chest and knead softly.

"How would you like it, Min?" You ask sweetly. His face goes red, and he hides his face behind a hand. He felt like he could explode in seconds. You giggle quickly, covering his gorgeous blushed skin with kisses. He places a hand on your face and lightly pulls you away to look at you... You stand between his legs as he no longer feels the nerves to hide from you.

"Like this, I want to be able to see you," he answers softly.

You grin widely and shuffle past the bed to grab the lube from the bedside table. You come back and position yourself on top of Mingi, his legs slightly elevated with a pillow under his waist. His ass flushed against you.

"First up, I'm going to prepare you. Because if I don't it'll hurt like a bitch," you speak to him through it, trying to sound light-hearted in order to make him more comfortable.

"Hmm," he mumbles in response. You squirt a decent amount onto your fingers and coat them well. You rub the gel between your fingers, warming it up so it isn't too cold for him. Bringing your fingers down you lightly press at his rim.

"I'm going to put a finger in," you tell him, waiting for him to give a short nod before you insert one finger. He squirms as he gets used to the feeling. It's a feeling he is unable to describe. It makes him feel warm, hot even, inside. The feeling of being full slightly. It was strange but his body yearned for more.

"Add another," he moaned wiggling his hips slightly. You do as he asks for and slips into another finger. You spread your fingers inside him, and he lets out a higher-pitched gasp. It's honey to your ears. You add a third finger and he grips the sheets under him. He brings the sheets over his face feeling embarrassment overwhelm him at the idea he is actually enjoying something so vulgar. you tsked with a small smile stopping your movements for a moment.

"Uncover your face, Mingi. You said you wanted to see me," you tried to impersonate his words prior to making a smile crack on his face. He uncovers his face and you see him panting softly. His cheeks are a lovely pink almost hot to the touch. This is a side of him you've never seen but now that you've seen it. You want more. You crave it. You want to push every sound out of him and eat it up. After a while, you pull out and Mingi whines feeling empty.

"Now for the actual thing," you chuckle, grabbing the lube. You put just enough on the strap-on, slathering it up with your hand and ensuring that Mingi watches with wide eyes.

"You like what you see?" You ask while stroking the dildo making him think about at all the times he would say that to you, but now the roles have reversed and it makes him want more.

"Just fuck me already," he groans. A chuckle escapes your lips as you line the dildo to his entrance. You enter only the head and watch the pink dildo slip in slowly. You don't go any further as you hear Mingi whine and arch his back slightly. You haven't put the whole thing in and he's acting like this. Good lord, you're turned on by this. Sliding in all the way at the slowest pace you can do, you watch as your boyfriend's face contorts in pleasure. So this is why he enjoys this position so much. You thought.

"Fuck, Fuck." He didn't know what to say. What to do. He was lost in the pleasure you gifted him. He never understood the idea of feeling full until right this moment. All his nerves felt like they were on fire in the best way possible. He could feel his cock hitting his abdomen with each thrust you do. You also seemed to take notice, leaning on your left hand you bring your right down to grab the base of his shaft, starting to move up and down in a slower motion than your hips.

"You like that baby?" You cooed, thrusting harder, gaining a little more confidence with each snap. Mingi nodded vigorously, arching his back more. His legs widened for you, making you have more room to go deeper inside him. He couldn't hold back anymore, he felt his release coming in fast, and the moment he felt your thumb rub against his slit he knew it was over.

"Shhhiittt." He moaned with a pitch you've never heard come out of your lover. It was whiny, high and desperate. You squeezed his cock as his load painted his tummy and chest. You rode his high until coming to a complete stop. He took in big breaths, panting like crazy while sweat dripped down from him onto the bed sheets. You watched him with a smile, slowly pulling out, making sure not to hurt him. He stayed there for a moment while you took the strap-on off. You grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom, before coming back to clean him up. He watched you the whole time with hooded eyes.

"How was it?" You ask him, crawling onto the side of the bed so you could cuddle up to him. He engulfed you in his large arms, clinging to you with passion. He didn't think much of the idea, not even thinking he would enjoy it. But he was glad he asked, and he was also so happy you accepted. He gave your forehead a little kiss, feeling sleep begin to take hold of him.

"It was perfect."


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