105 | Wooyoung | Desperate

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Suggestive | Frat Boy Au

Paring: FratBoy!Wooyoung x Reader

[Warnings] : Weed is mentioned. Jerking off. (Both m and f). Facetime sex. Wooyoung is very horny and high. Brownies (hehe). Pet names. Some hints of exhibitionism. Wooyoung moans loudly. Kinda switch reader and switch Wooyoung. Almost getting caught. Swearing. 

It takes you a while to wake up and realize that your phone is ringing. You shuffle over the bed and look at the time. It bloody one in the morning. You flip your phone over and see it's your boyfriend calling. He's currently at a friend's place. Boys' night out and everything. You stare at the phone too long that the call rings out. It's not even two seconds later that the phone rings again in your face. You sigh and answer. It's a face time and you nearly scare yourself with the image of yourself. Wooyoung on the other hand is a mess as well. He looks high as a kite. And there's... clothes around him? What is he doing in his friend's closet?

"Oh, you finally picked up," He mumbled.

"What are you doing in the closet?" You ask still half asleep, trying your best to rub the sleep out of your eyes.

"I'm in here so no one hears me."

"Whatever for?"

"I'm horny."

You blink slowly somehow now fully awake. "You're high and horny aren't you," This is the second time he's done this. But the first time it wasn't at one in the morning. You let out a small huff as you roll over to your side. His breathing begins to pick up on the other side of the call and your eyes widen.

"You are not jerking off in there! Get out of the closet!" You snap in a hush, trying to sound assertive but let's  face it, you couldn't even hide your smile. God, he's an idiot. Wooyoung grumbles under his breath and the only thing you're able to make out is, 'Give me a second,' while static from him brushing the phone around makes it near impossible to hear anything else.

You watch your phone as he shuffles around, clothes hitting his face. He opens the closet door and the phone suddenly flips with the flash on. You're able to see all the other boys passed out asleep in a pile on the small bed with pizza boxes all over the floor. Wooyoung curses under his breath and turns the phone back on him. The angle is unflattering. You can see up his nose and his face looks like the sun. God, he's a mess but somehow you still love him. He finally makes it to the bathroom without waking anyone up and but doesn't turn the light on. Instead of sitting on the toilet or sitting on the floor, Wooyoung decides to sit inside the shower. It takes him two times to try and close to glass door before he sits on, what you guess, wet tiles.

"Will you join me," Wooyoung asks in a whisper his eyes only half opened.

"Woo, I am not in the mood right now. It's one a.m.," you say but quickly add, "But don't let me stop you from a good time." You hear him shuffle around and something hits the glass. Like clothes thwacking against a wall. All you can imagine is Wooyoung naked from the waist down and it makes you smile widely trying so hard to burst into a fit of laughter.

"How much did you smoke?" You ask.

"We didn't smoke tonight. We ate brownies and I had quite a lot," he admits.

"Oh, Woo. No wonder why you're desperate," you tell him truthfully. He only grins at you. But his face turns to pure bliss in an instant. He's touching himself and he's already lost himself. "I don't just wanna see your face, let me see you," you whisper.

His focus comes back onto you and then there's more shuffling around with the phone. He sets it up on the opposite side of the shower wall so he's in fall view now. There's enough light for you to see he's got his legs open and his cock is full in his hand. His shirt is rolled up and the hem is between his teeth. God is he a sight. You're fully awake now and you can feel yourself getting horny, clenching your thighs together as you are now laying on your arm.

"Alright, keep going Baby," you urge him on biting your lip slightly. He begins jerking himself off but it's not slow or anything for show. He's quick, desperate and he's chasing his own high at the moment. His pants become louder and you suddenly become self-aware that there's others in the room beside him.

"Softer, Wooyoung. You're not alone," you remind him in a sultry tone. His teeth let god off the shirt so it can now sit bunch up on his chest. He places a hand over his mouth to muffle his noises. He rubs himself slower as if your voice reminded him you were there. Now he's showing off and it's getting to you.

"Mind if I join you?" You ask.

"Go-" He whines. "Go right ahead...Please," he answers breathlessly.

You sit up slightly, placing pillows behind you so you can lean into them more easily. Your shuffling catches Wooyoung's attention making you stop for a moment out of curiosity. Keeping a tight grip on your phone, the other hand comes up to your mouth to suck on two of your fingers, coating them up before gliding them down to your core. You're already a little wet and you glide two in easily. Keeping an easy rhythm for yourself, Wooyoung begins to speed up again.

"Come for me baby," you whisper and it seems to push him over the edge. He comes in his hand, catching himself so it doesn't go on the tiles. He pants loudly and looks back at the phone.

"Holy shit," he breathes out. He slowly collects himself, grabbing his phone with his clean hand and he just stares at you. Even though with all this excitement, you lazily keep your rhythm. You started to become overwhelmed, feeling your high coming closer and closer. You are so close, so desperate to release and just as you are about to come a sudden sound of a door opening makes you stop in your tracks. Wooyoung stays still also as someone walks in. You bring your fingers out, feeling your mood ruined. Then there's the sound of someone pissing in the toilet. The piss goes on forever and Wooyoung looks terrified. If this person sees him, there's no talking his way out of this one. But somehow, luck is on his side or his friend is just too high because they walk right back out after completing their business.

"That was a close one," you chuckle lightly.

"I'm never doing this again." Wooyoung was definitely lying in this sentence.


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