083 | Woosan | Crave Sex Like Air

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Smut | Fantasy Au | Supernatural

Paring: (Wooyoung & San) WooSan x Reader [poly]

[Warnings] : Demons. Mentions of ritualistic summonings. Incubus (Sex Demons) Warlocks Yeosang. Old Ruins/Symbols for Spell Casting. Threesome. Making out, Marking, Hints of Double penetration. Unprotected sex (Don't do that). Anal (don't do that without prep) Demon Wooyoung and San. Dirty Talk. 

You had written the symbols on the floorboards with a small piece of chalk

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You had written the symbols on the floorboards with a small piece of chalk. Just like your friend said. Desperation had consumed your being. Worry filling your soul. It had been days since you'd seen your lovers. You became scared they were lost in the under realms. So you went to someone who knew a summoning spell. Yeosang, a powerful warlock, and also a close friend of your boyfriends. He had gifted it to you. So you sat on the floor, rings and ruins around you. You started the chant, slowly, and clearly. The floor started to rumble, while the chalk lines start to light up.

Once the last word is said, the glowing and the energy ebbs away. Did it work? You look around and see nothing different. Frustration grows in your chest as you look over the runes again on the ground. Then a soft hand catches you off guard, caressing your face. Lifting it up to have a look at you, a sigh of relief washes over you.

An incubus stands in front of you, his eyes, purple and skin that shimmers like a pearl. His hair, dark that falls over his face but you can see the grin wide across it. A light chuckles comes from across the room and you whip your head to see another, laying around on your bed rubbing his neck like he just experienced whiplash. His taller and more human figure made your heart jump. But his eyes still glisten that demon purple that made you fall in love all over again each time you see them.

"I was getting worried." You finally spoke, choking slightly as tears began to overwhelm you. Wooyoung's hand what still held under your chin, rubs over your cheek slightly, making you feel a familiar calmness. You missed them so much, more than you thought you did.

"We were okay. We had to stay down there longer than we thought." San's voice whispered behind you, his hot breath pooling against your ear making you jump slightly. Wooyoung then dropped his fingers from your chin, walking over aimlessly to the table with the old witchy books and candles on it.

"Besides it's not really like there is phone reception in hell." He was cheeky so you knew he meant nothing by the sly comment. San turned your body slowly, his hands raking over your hips. He didn't waste time, kissing you passionately. Something you had been missing since they left. Wooyoung just watched silently, enjoying the view of his two lovers making out feverishly.

"A little desperate are we?" San mumbles into the kiss, feeling you bite his bottom lip while chasing him as he tries to pull away. You huff out a breath through your nose in response continuing your assault on him. It's been far too long without them and you weren't about to waste any time. Wooyoung moved quickly pulling you by your hips to spin you around away from San. You let out a groan from his actions but quickly swallowed any whiny remarks when his lips latched onto your neck, sucking a harsh mark onto the skin. San towers over your body, pushing himself flush against you so you could feel his bulge against your ass. His teeth pull against the lobe of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. All the while Wooyoung litters your neck in bright hickeys.

"And here I thought Woo and I were supposed to be the sex demons." San's low voice growled in your ear. Wooyoung made quick with his hands as he stripped the lower half of your pants and underwear.

"Maybe you two have just rubbed off on me." You choke suddenly feeling Wooyoung's cold fingers slide up your wet folds. Strange how, for a demon, he always seems to have cold hands. San pushed you slightly into Wooyoung's grasp, your head now leaning against the redhead's shoulder. He used his free hand to wrap around your waist holding you steady while he pumped his fingers deep inside you.

"W-Woo..." You became so focused on Wooyoung that you hadn't noticed San stripping behind you. Giving Wooyoung a little show first, He spat on his hand so he could lube his cock up, pumping it a few times. Wooyoung groans watching this unfold in front of him.

"Here. Give them to me." San gripped both your shoulders, pulling your body fully away from Wooyoung, making his fingers fall out of your greedy hole. You cried at the loss of contact but San was quick to pick you up, wrapping your legs around his hips so his cock could sink into you in one go.

"Fuck I missed your pussy so much, baby. You know how hard it is being away from our little sex toy?" San groans in your ear, walking over to the wall so he could start fucking you against it. "Our kind needs sex like oxygen. We need it every day. And going a day without you is like being left for dead under the ocean." His thrusts were erratic making you moan loudly. Your fingers find the ends of his pitch hair, tugging harshly on the strands making him groan in response.

"Woo, and I can only fuck so much before we are left craving you." Hearing your lover confess about fucking one another while being away from you sparks fantasies in your mind. San on top of Woo, gifting him all the pleasure he could desire. But yet it wouldn't be the same without you in the middle of it.

"Let's Just say we also missed you a lot." Wooyoung's voice made you open your eyes that you didn't realize were shut. His large hands grip your ass, turning you so instead of San pounding into you while using the wall as a stabilizer, it was now Wooyoung body keeping you in place. "Take a deep breath." his words made you gulp, shakily taking the breath he ordered while he sinks his cock in your tight ass. You felt so full, pain and pleasure mixing together. You couldn't help but question if you liked the pain or the pleasure more, but at this point, you couldn't care less. You were just happy to have your boys back. And also very happy to have them deep inside you.


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