115 | Matz | Look What We Have Here

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Suggestive | Angst | Fluff | Slice Of Life Au

【Synopsis】 : Your two roommates love to make it hard for you to find a partner... but what happens when they stop you at the door of your apartment and "convince" you that you deserve better.

Pairing: SeongJoong x F!Reader (Seonghwa & Hongjoong)

[Warnings] : Swearing. Mention of shitting dates and shit men. Fingering. Talks about sex. Use of the word cock. Dirty talk. Dom/sub play. Power play. Reader is lowkey a brat. Neck kisses. Begging.

You wanted to look good, be good

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You wanted to look good, be good. Be enough. And tonight was your night. You dressed up in a beautiful and mostly sexy outfit, wanting to impress and attract this new guy were were seeing. Well speaking to mostly online. This would be the first time you'd be meeting him and you hadn't planned to be in a position of being fucked, but if it were to happen you were more than prepared. Grabbing your keys off your side table and checking yourself once more in the mirror before heading towards the door quickly so you don't run into your roommates.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Fuck... You freeze in your spot, hearing the deep grumble behind you, mostly coming from the archway leading to the kitchen. You spin on your heels to face the beefy man behind you. He looked like he had just woken up, with his tight muscle-t hugging his chest, while his black joggers weren't doing anything to your imagination on his clear erection. "Oh, Heyyy Hwa. I was just... Heading out.."

You knew he wasn't stupid and you knew for a fact he had noticed you were more attentive to your phone and practically glued every time a notification popped up. But to be fair you were probably touch-starved, and an attention whore so it wasn't your fault. "Don't go on that date."

"Why?" You snapped

"You know why." He growled, pinching the bridge of his nose. You step towards him getting in his face with slight frustration. You knew Seonghwa and Hongjoong liked to tease and flirt with you but every time without fail, when you went out on a date they always found a way to make you not go, or take you somewhere else instead. And they would always say it's because they didn't like the men you chose or the people to picked and 'None of them are good to you. You deserved better.' But deep down you knew, or more wanted them to say something else. Say it was 'cause they wanted you, they want to be with you. But no. They were your roommates and nothing more.

"Say it..." You're right in his face, holding your ground. He seemed surprised by your actions, usually, you would come quietly but this time he was seeing a new side to you. A bratty one. His smirk made your blood boil, was he enjoying your suffering?

"What's going on here?" Hongjoong walked in with a groggy voice and blood-red eyes, most likely being at his desk all afternoon working. "Why do you look all dolled up?"

You huffed crossing your arms in front of your chest, staring at the two annoying boys. They quickly exchanged looks and when Hongjoong hummed lowly, it was like they both had a mental conversation. " You seeing a guy?" Joong spoke up.

"And you care again, why? It's not like you're my boyfriends." You rolled your eyes, turning your back to them. You started putting on your shoes, ignoring the clear anger rising in Seonghwa and the frustration in Hongjoong.

"Why do we care—ha. You aren't worth those disgusting men's time." Seonghwa cut himself off, scoffing at your words. "Those boys you see are a waste. And you don't need to throw yourself at them."

Throw?! Did he really say you throw yourself at men? All you do is try and get Seonghwa and Hongjoong's attention, and they never reciprocated it. So you kind of had to look elsewhere. You felt invisible around them like you were nothing more than a roommate. You couldn't even find any combat to his harsh words, so instead, you turned around to leave while scoffing in disbelief. "Whatever, I'm going."

Before you could grab the door handle a pair of large hands grabbed your waist, pulling you backwards until your back hit a very broad chest. A hand snaked around your chest up to your neck until fingers grip your chin tilting your head to the side so your face was suddenly inches away from Hongjoong?!

"J-Joong?!" You never even heard him walking towards you let alone being right behind you. Did he push Seonghwa out of the way from the small hallway? Why was he suddenly so close to you, to the point you could feel his heartbeat against your back, and his breath on your lips?

"Close your eyes." His voice was low and deep, like velvet and cream. God, you felt so wobbly from his hold. You didn't listen, eyes darting between his own trying to understand what he could mean.

"W-what?" you stuttered.

"I said..." His hand moved from your waist to the hem of your hands, fingers dipping slightly into the top of your jeans. Your breath hitched suddenly figuring out what he wanted, what you now wanted. "Close your eyes, Angel. Trust me."

Your eyes shut quickly, maybe too quickly and that's probably was you could hear a low chuckle erupts from Hongjoong. You felt Hongjoong's hand slip further into your jeans and you wiggled in anticipation. You wanted so badly to open your eyes and take a peek at Joong but you tried your hardest to listen to his orders, and when you were about to whine in frustration another pair of hands gripped your wrist, swinging your body until your back hit the wall with a huff.

This time you opened your eyes, staring Seonghwa right in his dark eyes. He and Hongjoong were caging you against the wall, and Joong wasted no time in latching his lips on your neck, making you whine all the while you were never leaving Seonghwa's stare.

"My, My is this what we needed to do in order for you to listen to us, we would of done it sooner." His tone mocked you, making a shiver ripple down your spine. You couldn't understand where all of this was coming from but you feared to ask as words might make them stop so instead, you whimpered. "I bet you feel so good coming around a cock huh?"

You gasped suddenly feeling Hongjoong's cold fingers slip into your jeans, past your panties and pressing harshly down on your clit. Your mind becomes clouded and your heart races, hips grind on his hand to ease your frustration. "P-please..." You beg for something, anything. For one or both of them to hurry up and give you the pleasure you've been so desperately craving for who knows how long now.

"So pretty when she begs huh?" Hongjoong purrs in your ear, making your eyes leave Hwa for a split second to look over to the shorter male. Seonghwa took your distraction to step closer until all three of your bodies were smooched against one another in the tight hallway. Hands everywhere, feeling any part of your flesh they could find. While two tongues lick along your neck and exposed chest. You were overwhelmed and both of them were going to use it to their advantage and make sure by the end of the night you were nothing but a whimpering, crying mess.


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