106 | Jongho | Fuck Around And Find Out

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Suggestive | Brothers Best Friend Au

Paring: Secret Boyfriend!Jongho x Reader

[Warnings] : Smoking, Pet names. Dirty talk. Lots of teasing. Neck kisses. Fingering. Clit play. Mention of fucking in the woods. Swearing Begging. Jongho is aged up in this, but it's not really mentioned, it's just how I imagined it. You know early 30s beefy Jongho, type vibe. 

You waved off Seonghwa saying you'd be back shortly to watch the fireworks with the others for the New Year celebration. You just needed to grab a sweater first, having the night take a cold turn from the hot breezy day. Walking up the hill towards the cabin you saw from afar the boys all yelling and carrying on like idiots. You were going to be quick, Well that was what you thought until you spotted Jongho leaning against the door frame of the glass door with a smoke between his fingers.

"Forget something?" He cock his brow, flicking the finished cigarette away before blowing the smoke out of his lungs. His arms crossed as he watched you closely with a smile. He must have come up here to have a quick smoke break without anyone around since he knew how much people didn't like the smell. You on the other hand knew it was a bad habit, but you couldn't help but let your thought wonder at how hot he looks when he does it. You've been dancing around one another since the trip started two days ago. You haven't told anyone about your relationship with Jongho yet, fearing your brother would most likely try and kill Jongho if they found out. So a secret it is. But neither of you minded, much, finding some fun and thrill in the idea of sneaking around.

"Just a sweater. Why are you up here, Jongho?" Hearing you say his name has his cock standing at the attention. You had always called him by nicknames, it was just something you did for everyone you were friends with. But fuck, he loves hearing his name fall from your pretty lips.

"Nothing else?" His voice was low, in a gravelled growl. You had been teasing him all day and now that you two are finally alone, he was going to take every opportunity to get some action out of you. You shook your head sweetly in response, playing the innocent card wasn't a good idea. But you did it anyways.

"Oh yeah? And what's your plan now that you've teased me all day? Because the way I see it. I have every right to do whatever want to this sweet body of yours. I could spin you around bend you over and fuck your cute little cunt till you're crying. Right outside in front of our friends and your brother. Is that what you want baby?"

You open your mouth to answer but he's already got you spun around and bent slightly over the railing of the deck, pushing your shirt up slightly to get a view of your back arched, just for him. You inhale sharply, hands grabbing at the wood as your attention is suddenly drawn to the fireworks starting to go off from the dark lake. His fingers trail between your thighs beneath your shorts, letting out a soft curse when he finds your core all wet and soaking through your panties and clothes for him.

"You're really playing with fire here, Honey. You know that?" He whispers as his lips trail over your neck, his fingers slowly slide past your shorts and underwear to get to your folds. You bite your lip to keep yourself quiet, eyes focused on where your brother and friends are. All the way down at the docks. Surely too far away to make out exactly what's going on in the dimly lit cabin balcony. Jongho's fingers find your clit and your gasp, hips automatically pushing back into his hand and he chuckles softly at your desperate action.

"You're so easy. I can play you like a fucking fiddle. Do you have any idea how easy it is for me to make you cum. For me to have you begging and crying for me to have my way." His fingers sink inside you, quickly moving to a steady pace. You hum softly rocking your hips in time with his fingers feeling your gut grow hot.

"Maybe you should remind me." You whisper wanting nothing more than to cum after how wound up you've been all day. He laughs as his fingers do not slow, nuzzling his nose into your hair.

"Maybe I should."


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