131 | Seonghwa | Sweetness Of You

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Suggestive | Idiots in love


【Synopsis】 : It all started with a simple dinner and a movie. But when Seonghwa asked if you wanted dessert, you knew your sugar was about to spike from more than just the sweetness of the fruits and chocolate.

Pairing: Boyfriend!Seonghwa x F.Reader

[Warnings] : Food play. Biting. Hickey's. Reader is naked at one point. Breast play (cause we all know hwa is a titty man). Use of food in a sexual way (obviously hehe)

 Use of food in a sexual way (obviously hehe)

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"Seonghwa you have to let me do it too." You sighed with a smile painting your features. You reached for a strawberry, dipping it in the hot melted chocolate. Seonghwa watched your hand bring the fruit up to his mouth so he could pop it in his mouth. But he also sucked in your thumb, making your tummy tingle while his eyes never left yours. "Good?" You asked.

"Hmm." He groans, tasting the sweetness of the coco and the sharpness of the berry. But what got him moaning against your thumb was the way your eyes widened, a sparkle still shining in the corner. You are so cute. He couldn't help but groan out in frustration. He wanted nothing more than to lavish you until you were screaming for him to stop. He had fed you berry after fruit just to see your mouth wrap around them or watch how the chocolate would catch your lip and spill down your chin.

He noticed some chocolate spilled down your jaw and on your neck. Giving him the sudden idea. Grabbing the back of your neck, he tilts your head upwards so he can place his tongue on the base of your collarbone and lick all the way up your jugular so he can pick up the stream of chocolate on your skin. Your eyes squeezed shut, and your thighs clenched, feeling yourself tingle in pleasure. But Seonghwa didn't stop once the sugar was cleaned off your flesh. No, instead, he bit down on your neck, making you gasp out. "H-Hwa!?"

"Yes, my darling?" He smugly sat back in his spot, giving you a cheeky grin, knowing he just caught you off guard. Your face was now hot red and flustered. Your eyes darted everywhere, trying to find something to say, but your brain began to melt and blur. He seemed to notice, and his grin only grew. "You want me to do it again?" he tried his luck, making his eyes grow wider.

"P-Please..." You whimpered.

"Take off your shirt." His suddenly got deeper, filling with lust as you instantly obeyed him. Stripping yourself of not only your shirt but your bra as well. He bit his lip, eyeing your body. You leant back, taking in a big breath so your chest would rise and fall deeply. His tongue darted out before he grabbed the bowl of warm melted chocolate. "Ready?"

You nodded, letting him sit in between your legs so he was as close enough to you. You watch with anticipation as Seonghwa tips the small bowl slowly above your breasts, watching the chocolate spill onto the top of your breasts flowing down onto your nipples. You rest your head against the couch cushion, moaning slightly at the warm sensation on your erect nubs. Seonghwa wasted no time in latching his tongue on your boobs, sucking the sweetness off your nipples. He swirled his wet muscle all over your soft flesh. Your hips bucked against his leg, feeling his hands grip onto your shoulders, keeping you in place. You whimper, spilling his name out over and over.

Seonghwa's mind was going crazy, biting, marking you up along with leaving wet trails all over your neck, breasts, and tummy. He kept pouring the chocolate all over you until you were a mess, a sticky mess. He couldn't get enough of it. "Fuck..." He groans sitting up for a moment to see your fucked out expression along with your deep heavy breaths and wet chest. You looked like a masterpiece in his eyes, with the teeth marks and hickeys scattered over your body along with spilled chocolate left over. He had to chuckle making you look up at him with a confused expression.

"What?" You pant.

And then an idea popped into his head, and his smile grew at the thought, "I'm getting the whipped cream."


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