136 | Jongho | Pure Relaxation

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Suggestive | Fluff | Gamer Au


【Synopsis】 : Jongho kept losing over and over again. Becoming increasingly more frustrated as time passes, it's a good thing you are here to help him cool off.

Pairing: Boyfriend!Jongho x Girlfriend!Reader

[Warnings] : Fingering. Edging. Swearing. Such sweet intimacy. Sleepy sex. Jongho lowkey takes his frustration out on the reader in the form on cock warming hehe

 Jongho lowkey takes his frustration out on the reader in the form on cock warming hehe

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This was a terrible idea... Actually, scratch that, it was a sinisterly great idea, and holy shit were you internally screaming at Jongho for suggesting such an idea. He had always said that he wanted to try to be more physically intimate since he is not the one to normally show physical affection. And you being a touch-starved person, how could you ever deny the touch of your lover? He was sitting in his room on his gaming chair. He and the others were all playing a new game for game night, and Jongho suggested you come cuddle him while he plays.

At first, it seemed innocent. You were koala hugging him, with your legs sitting bent either side of him. Every now and again, you felt him wrap his arms around you to give you a hug or draw shapes along your spine. You were in complete bliss, even tempting to fall asleep. But when it was like a switch went off and Jongho. He kept losing the stupid game, huffing out every time he saw the red killed banner. He was getting frustrated as the moments passed and needed something to help him cool down...

Or someone.

"Come on baby, before they start complaining I'm not back yet." Jongho had told the others that he was just going to the bathroom for a moment so he could mute and help you prepare for him. His fingers were deep inside you as he whispered nothing but sweet things in your ear. You were a whining mess, wanting so badly to come undone all over his fingers. "Such a god girl."

"J-Jong." Your grinding hips start to stutter, getting yourself tip over the edge. You came hard, feeling your liquids pool around your lover's fingers. He wasted no time in pulling them out and placing them in his mouth. He hummed at the taste wanting nothing more than to sit here for hours and fuck you, but instead, he promised to play this stupid game he doesn't even want to play.

"Now for the fun part, Honey." he gripped his cock, stroking himself painfully slow before using his other hand to help you sit up so his tip was pushing against your dripping wet entrance. "Come on baby, take a seat."

You sank down onto his thick dick, feeling him fill you up deliciously. Your hips automatically start to grind, but his hands suddenly grip your hips tightly, stopping you. Your eyes snap open to look at him, seeing his features were painted with a frustrated but sternness You sighed, silently apologizing, leaning down to press your body against his, laying your head on his board chest. His fingers rake up your naked form, calming you down before he groans "Don't worry I'll fuck up later."

And so the hour begins, trying to sit still, and not grind against him and every time he lost you felt your cock twitch inside you, making you feel like you were going to combust. He wasn't any better, every time he got angry he'd trust upwards into you so he could calm himself and it partially worked, but now all he wanted to do was fuck you into next week.

But once the next hour passed and then another a different form of desire began to brew. A need for intimacy. You were falling asleep, feeling a wave of comfort and peacefulness being so close to Jongho. You felt safe from him being nestled deep inside you. It was like your heart was opened to him and his, for you. Even after you fell deep asleep and he was done with his game. Neither of you wanted to move.

But to save yourselves from aching muscles later, Jongho picked you up, slipping out of you for only a moment before laying you down on the bed where he could let you cuddle up next to him while he sank back into you. No words were spoken, no eye contact was present. Your bodies did all the talking, and as your limbs tangled around one another, you both knew this would become one of your favourite things to do.


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