093 | Seonghwa | I Want It All

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Smut | Fluff

Paring: Husband!Seonghwa x Wife!Reader

[Warnings] : Switch dynamics. The reader is in charge of this one hehe. Subby-ish Seonghwa. (He's whinier than anything else) breeding kink, unprotected sex (Don't do this unless you want kids) Dirty talk. Bratty reader & Seonghwa. Making out. Hwa breaks readers' underwear (whoops). Pet names. Honeymoon romance. Newlywed and all that. 

Seonghwa is begging again. He wants children. He's brought it up in the past and you've always brushed it off with a hearty no, saying you both weren't ready for that type of commitment. Not right now anyway. But this time is different. He's stopped mid-kiss to look at you in the eye and asked the question.

"Can we have a baby?"

Your throat runs dry. You couldn't care for a kid, not now when your lives have just only begun to settle down into the first day of your honeymoon, which started straight after your chaotic wedding. But yet you couldn't help feeling a tingle brew in your lower gut. The desperation in his eyes made your thighs squeeze together. The choked whimper in his words filled your need to please. And how could you possibly say no to your newly wedded husband while staring directly into his beautiful loving eyes? They swim with lust.... you were at a loss.

"Anything for you, my Love," you whispered facing your body fully to him, having discarded your phone onto the side dresser while you were deep in thought.

His eyes brighten like he has just heard the best news in his entire life. He's on you within seconds, kissing you deeply and caressing your sides. You moan into the kiss, grabbing either side of his head to hold him in place. His touch sends shivers down your spine and goosebumps across your body. You have never thought of it because of your precautions but just thinking about him going in raw gets you wet. You shift a hand down between your legs and start to rub your clit with two fingers. But a hand quickly stops you.

Seonghwa pulls away and looks at you. "Let me, please," he begs.

He looks and sounds more desperate than you feel. This man must have been earning for ages. And now he's finally getting it. He's just a sloppy mess. You push him back onto the bed, his eyes on you the entire time. You climb on top of him and sit on top of his crotch. You grind down a little, feeling him grow in his pants a little. His hands grab your waist quickly, but you have other ideas. If he's been wanting this, he'll have to earn it. You grab his wrists and he lets go with loose fingers. Pinning his hands above his head, you suddenly feel the thrill of being on top. Looking down on him and seeing the desperation upon his delicate features. His mouth is parted and he's breathing heavily already. It's truly a sight to see that turns you on.

"Now if you want this, you're going to have to ask nicely," you whisper in his ear.

A moan is pushed from his lips as you grind down again at his lack of response. "Please," he begs. "Let me."

Satisfied, you let go of his hands but tsk, "Keep them there," You ordered with a fake tone of dominance, at this point, you sounded more cheeky and light-hearted, but neither of you cared. He keeps his arms above him but his gaze is all over you. You can feel his neediness rubbing against your clothed core. Shuffling down, you begin to undo his belt and pants. You stop every time he moves and wait for him to fall silent again. After a solid five minutes of playing this little game of tug and pull, you shuffle his pants off his ankles. His cock is fully erect and leaking. With a grin across your face, you sit on his thighs, placing your soft fingers down his waist. He flinches slightly but keeps his mouth shut.

"So you want kids?" You chuckle.

"Honestly," he admits, "I couldn't care less about that right now."

"Oh, okay." You reach over to the bedside table and open it. "I'll just wrap you up then."

"No!" He shouts and grabs you away from the table. "No," he says more softly.

You laugh and pat his cheek. "You're sweet. But do have to grab the lube."

He smiles widely and toothy as you reach for the bedside table again, grabbing a small bottle of lube out. You slick up your hand and finally begin rubbing his dick. His hips buck up slightly and he suppresses a moan.

"Let it out, honey," you whisper.

He exhales harshly and his arms move slightly above him. You stop and squeeze the base of his dick. He chokes on a moan but another escape and oh my, it sounds heavenly. Why haven't you done this before? This is another side of your husband you haven't seen. You move up on your knees and push your nightie up your thighs with the hand that was on his dick. You reach between your thighs and move your underwear to the side not wasting any more time with taking them off. With the lube on your fingers and the wetness coming from you, two fingers slide in easily. The pleasure zips through you and makes you hunch over Seonghwa. You finger yourself above his dick, breathing into his neck.

"Keep your arms up there now," you moan. You meant it to come out as an order, but opening yourself up over him is doing something to you you never thought would.

"Please, I just want to touch you," he pleads.

"We can stop if you want." You plant a kiss on his lips. "Or we can keep going."

He shakes his head frantically. "Please. I just want to fuck you," he pants.

You kiss him again with more want and bring your free hand to comb through his hair. Then you reach down and grab the base of his cock to line it up. He moans into your mouth as you slide down halfway onto him. You pull away gasping. You want more.

"You can touch me," you say but it comes more out as a whine.

His hands whip forward and grab your hips. He's a mess right now and you're loving it. You bob lightly up and down on him, feeling him rub up against you, sending prickles of pleasure up your spine. He guides you down slowly with each thrust until you've swallowed him to the base. He lets you sit there, taking his full length in for a moment before you decide to move on your own accord. You shift your hips upwards with your hands planted on Seonghwa's stomach before moving downwards. You set a rhythm for yourself but soon enough he's thrusting up into you. You're gasping and moaning each time he drives you down on his cock. You get lost in the moment and pick up the pace to chase your own high. You fall on top of Seonghwa and he wraps one of his arms around your waist while the other snakes down to grip your panties.

"I'm sorry." His words were quick and so was the sound of a snap of fabric. Did he literally just rip your underwear? "I'll buy you more."

"You better." You choke out a moan as he throws the broken fabric somewhere in the room. He brings his knees up and begins thrusting up into you from another angle. It sends a thrill through you that has you moaning louder. You're both a mess and all of the teasing and playing hard to get suddenly didn't matter anymore.

"I'm- I'm gonna-" He pants in your ear. He holds onto you more tightly as he buries his face into your neck. With a few stuttering thrusts, you feel him release inside of you. And oh god just the hot sensation of being filled up sends you over the edge as well. You squeeze down tight around him and you can already feel some of his cum dripping down his cock, leaking out of your hole. After the high end, you slowly bring yourself up, his cock still inside you, letting his cum stay deep inside you. Collecting yourself, you glance to see Seonghwa grinning up at you with a glowing smile. It brings a smile to your face as well even though you don't know why he's so ungodly happy.

"What?" You ask, stroking his chest with one hand.

"I hope it's a girl," Is all he says. That earned him a light slap on the shoulder. 


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