039 | Seonghwa | Aurora Manor

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Thriller | Supernatural | Smut | Angst | Gore | Fluff | Slow Burn?

Synopsis: To prove to your college friends that the Haunting rumours about the Aurora manor were nothing more than fictional tales, you stumble upon a secret that changes your life forever. The only choice now is, do you accept your fate, or fight for the normality that you are so accustomed to....

Type: hybrid!Seonghwa x Afab Reader

Warnings: Swearing, blood, smut, sex scenes, angsty scenes. Please let me know if I missed something.

[You can find he whole book on my page <3]

The clouds that covered the night sky, bucketing down the rain have now long but past

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The clouds that covered the night sky, bucketing down the rain have now long but past. The full crimson-dusted moon now shines her beautiful light on the dark streets below. Drunken laughter echoed the empty pathing, as a group of six young college students disturb the silence of the cold night.

"Ah, here it is! Aurora Manor." One of your friends, well college friend anyways, speaks over the small chatter getting the group's attention.

"It is said that if you enter you will be cursed, and start seeing ghosts." He tries to spoke the small crowd.

"I heard that Mark from chem, dared Johnny to stay the night and he almost died?!" Another spoke up, only following with a small chuckle from the back.

"You really think that true? Johnny probably got paid so much to lie. Isn't Mark like super-rich" You scoff at your friend's stupid antics, not believing the fake tale of ghosts or ghouls that hid inside the rundown mansion.

"Not as rich as me. But if you think it's all a lie how about you stay the night then? I'll even pay you for it." Jess, the girl you met in art design that also happens to be your friend, Liam, new girlfriend, spoke up with her arms crossed. You two had nothing against one another but she did tend to also try and one-up you whenever around Liam. I guess jealousy makes people do strange things.

"You want to give me money to spend a night in a ruined old mansion, that probably has so much shit and crap everywhere?!" You scoff not thinking any type of money could possibly get you to do that.

"20k and I'll slip in some extra cash if you get some photo proof of your stay. Text me in the morning and I'll send it to you." Her smug voice fuelled your pride to want to do it more, just to prove that she's being stupid. And 20k doesn't sound have bad. Since it's already 2:30 you would only have a couple more hours until morning. Nothing could go wrong. It's a win-win for you either way.

"Fine I'll do it, but you better send me half now!" You push past all the cheering drunks as you make your way through the small opening cut out from the rusted gating. The wind whistled around you are their cheers became mute. Looking back you see they have already started walking away, most likely heading back to the dorms.

"Assholes." You seriously begin to wonder why you even decide to hang out with them. Looking at the front door you see there aren't any locks or chains, which is odd given if this place was run-down so the city council would have tried to stop idiots like you from getting in.

You push past the large dark oak door. Entering the dark mansion, but what meets your eyes was nothing you would ever expect. It was fully furnished. A Beautiful dark green and black wallpaper, with golden pearl accents designed around the walls. The floor is dark slicked oak, similar to the door but milkier rather than dark chocolate.

"What the..." you whisper out looking around the entrance, a fireplace lit making the room warm, a chandelier bright above you, with a large staircase with deep green carpet laying on top.

'Someone has to be living here?! Why does it look like this but ruined on the outside? What was Johnny talking about it being haunted?' So many questions running through your mind. You were going to continue with the questioning until a sweet scent hits your nose. The smell of cinnamon, roses petals, a hint of white chocolate. It was dusky, maybe some lavender? Your brain started to go fuzzy from the scent, wanting to find where it came from. Like a pull, directing where you need to go.

"Hello?" You call out, instantly regretting it.

"Are you stupid, that's how people die!" You smacked your forehead at your stupidity, having not retained knowledge of typical horror movie tropes. A young girl wanders into a mysterious house, she wanders around calling out to see if anyone is home, from that the killer finds her before she could find them. Bang boom dead. You weren't about to make that true.

Walking up the stairs you see three ways to go. Forward to a large door, similar to the front entrance. Or left and right, both were with deep hallways, doors along the wall and the unknown of what is behind each one.

The grand door is a dead giveaway for mystery, but the thought of "If I was in a horror movie where would the main character go?" and just like that you go in the opposite to that thought, going left down the hallway.

It is silent, with no sound except the creaking of some floorboards you tried so hard to not make a squeak. One door in the long hall was cracked open, a small light illuminating the other side. The sweet scent you smelt before crept through your nose again. It was coming from behind the door. Your mind gives up on the stupid movie theory, pushing the door open slowly.

You pushed further into the large room, eyes unsure what to take in first. A couple of candles are placed on a small Victorian coffee table. A king bed, with a canopy hovering above it, draping it in maroon satin velvet. Everything in the room was different from the rest of the manor, having a crimson palate rather than the deep green monochrome scheme. There were other furnishings in the room, trying its hardest to make the large room look more full — a dresser, side tables, lounging chairs and even a grand bookcase next to a small roasting fireplace. It all looked so expensive despite the exterior of the home. All that was left to gaze upon was large double doors that you could only imagine leading to a balcony of some sort. There was another doorway, which you expected to be a closet. It was cracked open like someone had been in it at some point recently.

"Now how did you manage to get this far without my brothers smelling you." Your heart stops hearing a deep growl echo in the door. You back a bit, slowly trying to get to the door but instead of your back hitting the wooden framework, you bump into something, or should you say someone. Tall and warm, he wraps his arms around your waist, leaning down to whisper in your ear;

"You smell intoxicating darling."


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