036 | Wooyoung | What Was That

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Fluff | Crack at the end | Suggestive

Synopsis : Hiding your relationship with Wooyoung from your very protective brother Yeosang could go more wrong.

Warnings: Making out, hickeys, pet names. Use of the words k*ll and d*e in a more of less harmless manner. 

Sitting in Ateez's dorm lounge room

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Sitting in Ateez's dorm lounge room. You are slung over on the end of the large couch with your brother Yeosang on the other side. He was entertaining himself with a show while you were perfectly content being on your phone. You were out all day, so spending some quiet time with your brother was something you got used to after big trips. He even said if you stay long enough you can have dinner with the boys.

"Hey Peach, I got a text from Hyung saying he needs me at the studio. So I'm going to head over for a while. Are you going to be okay here?" He spoke quickly, putting on his jacket while shoving his phone in his pocket. He always made sure you were okay and comfortable. Being a typical big brother.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." You simply reply, looking over at him already halfway towards the door.

"Okay then. I think Wooyoung is still here but last time I checked he is sleeping." He said his goodbye straight after before shutting the door behind him.

Wooyoung is here... Maybe I should check on him.

You grin at your thoughts, immediately walking down the hall to his room. You crack the door open to peek inside. Yeosang was indeed correct, Wooyoung was spread across his bed lightly snoring. The room was still with unopened curtains so minimal light couldn't disturb him. You close the door very quietly tiptoeing to the end of the bed, trying your best not to let your giggles still out.

"Youngieee." You cooed. He turns with a groan waking to your soft voice. Noticing it's you, he sits up promptly.

"Doll? Why are you here? If Yeosang catches you, he will kill both of us." He rubs his eye, trying to get the sleep out of them. You just hum at how cute he looks with his scruffy hair and husked voice. Ignoring the worry he is putting out.

"He's not here, Joong texted him, which made him leave." You speak, crawling onto the bed, laying the male back down before crawling under the covers with him. He hugs your form, hands snaking around your waist with his head in your chest so he can take in your sweet scent. Brushing your fingers through his hair you smile in contentment.

You miss doing this with him. But it's becoming harder each day to even hug because of your brother. He strictly said if you date or hook up with any of his members, both of you would die. So you and Wooyoung have been keeping it a secret for 3 months. Well, that was until Seonghwa and Hongjoong caught you giving Wooyoung a quick goodbye kiss.

And that's exactly what brought you here. Joong knew you were coming over so he organised to get Yeosang out of the house so you and Wooyoung could share some alone time. Even though he lowkey hated the idea of knowing one of his bandmates was about to have a 'good time'.

"You smell nice baby." He glides his finger down your side. You just continue to brush your fingers through his hair. Within a second his grip becomes tight, moving you to sit on top of him.

"You know..." He pauses, lacing his fingers with yours.

"We're alone. and we haven't." He gives you a little head tilt. Kissing your knuckles.

"You know, in a while. so maybe." He rubs his hand up your thigh. You bend down to kiss him with a huff-out little 'horndog' as a snarl reply. Wooyoung rolling his eyes, smiled into the kiss. You sit up to unbutton your blouse, throwing it behind you. He follows your movement sitting straight up, letting his hands travel from your torso to your mid-back. All the while his tongue never leaving yours.

The tension became thicker, teeth clinking, saliva dripping. Wooyoung tries to slip out of his pants. You both break apart coming to terms that you moving would help the pants off quicker. Giggling and grunting, both his and your pants were off, latching back on each other to a deep kiss again. He kisses down your jaw, past your neck, right to your collarbone. He bites down, sucking on the smooth flesh leaving a bright imprint.

He lays you down, sucking other parts of your body, making sure to leave his marks all over you. His hand travels to your underwear, tugging at the hem, snapping them against you. You let out a whimper making Wooyoung smile in satisfaction.

"I'm home! y/n, where are you?" The sounds of your brother's voice echos through the house making your heart drop. The colour on Wooyoungs face disappears within seconds at the thought he might die from his best friend's hand today. You both jump up, scrambling for your clothes, trying to fix yourself as quickly as possible. After a mere moment, looking decent you ran out of the room, speed walking down the hall. Wooyoung soon followed close behind.

"She could be just in the bathro–Oh there she is." Seonghwa panics, thankful you were now in his versatility.

"Hey, Yeo. What are you doing back so fast? I thought you were going to be a while?" You ponder, now standing face to face with your brother in the hallway.

"Oh no, Hongjoong said it was important and when I got there it was just excuse after excuse and I know when people lie. So I left and Seonghwa came running after me." He sighs at the male behind him, looking slightly annoyed at the situation.

"Well with all that running around. I'm getting a drink." Yeosang spoke exiting the hallway towards the kitchen. You all sigh as soon as he leaves, rubbing the back of your neck.

"That was close." Wooyoung chuckles.

"CLose?! More like a teeth grind away, aish you kids are going to give me grey hairs." Seonghwa loudly whispers pinching the bridge of his nose. He was about to take Wooyoungs head off more but his expression changed suddenly while staring towards your neck.

"What?" You question.

"What. Is. That." he pointed, Wooyoung spun you around lightly to look while you looked down. You completely forgot to put the last two buttons up, so a bright hickey was sticking up out the top of your collar.

"Wooyoung." Suddenly Yeosang called out. At first, Wooyoung was hesitant but then replied quickly with a 'yes'.

"You have 10 seconds." Yeosang states.

"For what?" He whispers, looking at the older male for guidance. Then it clicks.

"Woo, Run..." You said, patting his back.


"RUUNN!!" As if a light bulb went off, Wooyoung ran straight for the door with Yeosang following close behind.



You and Seonghwa couldn't help but laugh.


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