067 | San | Bend

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「Synopsis」 : San is a caring boyfriend and he wants to make sure you are happy 24/7 even if that means letting you use him for your pleasure.

Paring: Idol!San x Fem!Reader

[Warnings] : Thigh riding, marking, San is a simp and is intoxicated with you. Slight mention of Dom/Sub dynamic.

It's not that you didn't want to sleep with San

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It's not that you didn't want to sleep with San. You did. In fact, you craved it, But in truth you were scared. Not of him of course but more of your past partners. just wanting to get down and dirty and dropped you if you say no. He knew that. He knew all about your past. So when he suggested starting out slow, trying some sexual activities without having penetrative sex, this was by far what you had in mind. But you didn't dare complain.

"San aargh." You groaned feeling hot to the touch as Sans's skilful tongue laps your neck, kissing over the litter of marks on your flushed skin. He hasn't stopped grinning since you agreed to such a dirty request. Your bottom half was completely exposed, leaving you only with your —well Sans— t-shirt on. He on the other hand sat proudly, his toned skin on full display. His suit jacket and dress shirt were discarded prior to the steamy activity.

"Come on Darling. Keep going. You can do it." His praises drive you to buck your hips harder. Your juice's coating his covered thigh. The fabric of his dress pants and the way he tenses his muscles make you fall apart against him, clenching around nothing.

"Sannie I-I." You whimper looking at him with pleading eyes. His smirk only grew with the expression of innocence being drained from you. He helped you grind harder down onto his muscle, fingers gripping tight on your exposed hips. He wanted you to come completely undone. He wanted you to know the feeling of absolute pleasure. He wanted to show you that there was nothing to be scared of. And that he was here, to help you every step of the way.

"You going to come, baby? Come apart of my thigh? It's okay, let go. Let go for me." The chuckle on his tongue made the tingle in your gut tip over the edge, making you see white in its process. You felt hot, sticky, and out of breath. Your fingers lace in the ends of his hair, tugging lightly as your hips move jaggedly.

Panting, you lent forward, your forehead hitting his shoulder in a huff. It felt like you were about to pass out, not ever experiencing such a feeling. San hummed, holding you close as your hips bucked slightly, still coming down from your high. Even though he hadn't climaxed he was also breathing heavily, chest falling and rising almost matching yours. He knew if he spoke he wouldn't know how to word himself. So instead he rocked you softly, kissing your neck while humming a slow song. He knew you weren't going to keep anymore tonight and he wasn't going to push you. But one thing he did know―and it made him unable to stop smiling―he was going to corrupt your little mind. Bend and mould you to his will. And man, he was going to love every second of it.


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