043 | Mingi | 3am Thoughts

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Super fluffy like tooth rotten sappy | with a sprinkle of Angst

Type: Mingi x Gn!Reader

Warnings: Pinning, alcohol, mentions of being drunk, kissing, we little bit of heartache.

Synopsis: Late-night baking leads to popping open wine and spilling secrets you thought you could keep safe.

Synopsis: Late-night baking leads to popping open wine and spilling secrets you thought you could keep safe

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It was like any average Tuesday. Well if average meant drinking the whole pantry leaving only the cheapest wine in the back. Now that you both were royally buzzed, flour, sugar and all sorts covered the countertop. Whose idea was it, to cook at 3 am with your roommate and Best Friend Mingi.

"Ah No!! You missed the bowel." You yelp as Mingi wobbles to crack the eggs into the mixing bowl. You quickly turn the tap on to drain the forgotten shell and yolk. Mingi hops to the fridge to grab the milk, chugging some of the wine straight out of the bottle.

"MINGI! Pour a glass!! stop chugging like a frat boy." You slur, jumping behind him trying to snatch the bottle off him but his board back stops you. You take one more jump but you land wrong, slipping from your sock, hitting a wet patch on the ground, most likely some wine that was spilled without your knowledge.

"Woah." He grabs you quickly, dropping the bottle in the process. Wrapping his arm around your waist, his face inches from yours as noses graze each other. The bottle lands on the floor with a thump luckily not breaking, and since Mingi chugged the rest of the wine inside nothing spilled out other than a few small drops.

"Hi..." He whispered, his breath hitting your lips. You hold onto him tighter, your fingers digging into the fabric of his clothes. You bit your lip looking at him deep in the eyes. You always had a crush on him, but never spoke up about it, worried he might freak out and never talking to you. So through nights of crying alone while you wish he would be yours, you came to the realization that he was your best friend and nothing more.

"Hi..." You smiled back as he helped you up. Letting you go, you fixed your shirt before going back to mixing the mixture for the cupcakes. He picked up the bottle, wiping away the mess he spilled so no one would slip again.

"Now all we need is to put the mixture into the pan." Your voice became quieter as Mingi stepped closer and closer until his chest was against yours. He grabs your chin and tilts his head while staring at you. You gulp shaking slightly at his touch, trying to avoid his eye contact.

"You have something on your face." He spoke softly, maybe it was the alcohol or it was the fact he had given up on leaving little hints. Go big or go home, right? Before you could reply, he dipped his finger into the batter, quickly smudging the uncooked chocolate mixture on your lips.

"It's right there." He looked dead in your eyes, trying to find any sense of uncomfortableness, but all he saw was your big doe eyes staring up at him with all the love in the world. His lips caught yours, letting his tongue graze along your bottom lip, licking the sweet mixture off. You deepened the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers snaking into the ends of his hair. A tear broke, feeling a sense of happiness and guilt. Was he just kissing you because you both were drunk or was it, love? Love that you wished, and craved for.

"Mingi..." You pulled away first making him chase your lips, but you turned to face the counter before he could plant another one.

"Did we just—kiss? yes, yes we did." He interrupted almost sounding smug like he just won a gold medal. Blush formed on your cheeks, feeling hot. The alcohol is definitely kicking in now.

"Do you love me?" You blurted out, pouring the batter while he suddenly stood stunned at your question, it was his turn now to blush. Rubbing the back of his neck, he let out a soft chuckle.

"I've always loved you, idiot..." He only called you that when he was embarrassed, trying to divert things onto you instead. You finished pouring the batter, placing the tray inside the oven, you finally turn to face him.

"You know what I mean." You looked at your feet, feeling your heartache. Was this the moment your friendship ends? He immediately went to protect mode, walking over in a rush to close the gap between you two.

"y/n you know..argh what I mean is..shit..." His head was spinning, it was 4 in the morning and you both were off your rockers, he couldn't think straight, stumbling on his words. But the only thing he knew what to say was something he feared if he ever were to speak it aloud.

"I love you, more than you know. I've loved you the moment we shared that ice cream while sitting on top of the jungle gym in prep. I loved you the moment we ditched prom together cause our dates were terrible and ate Kfc on the beach in our formal attire. I love every moment, every day and every second I'm with you. Drunk or not, I'll scream it aloud for you. I love you." His rambling brought you to tears, emotions filling your senses. It was an overload. An overload of joy, happiness, and contentment. He did have the same feelings for you, your fear was nothing more than a childish nightmare. He hugged you seeing the tears falling, rubbing small circles into your back.

"We only shared that ice cream 'cause you dropped yours..." You snuggled into his chest, sniffling a little bit.

"That's all you go out of my whole deceleration of love." He laughed pulling away to lean on the counter, you laughed with him, hitting his chest lightly.

"Hey, it's true though! You were trying to climb the slide when I kept telling you it was a bad idea but no, you did it anyway." You laugh wiping a stray tear from your eye. The laughter slowly died down and you see him smiling at you like a puppy.

"I did take in your whole speech, idiot," you smirk, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"Uh okay so does this mean I get to call you my partner now," he asks snaking his arm around your waist. You pretend to think for a moment, playing with your finger on your lip before you smile.

"I guess, as long as I can call you my boyfriend." you giggle, making in punch the air with a sly 'yes' in happiness.

"God, you're an idiot..." You laugh at his actions.

"Yes, but I'm your idiot."


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