089 | Seonghwa | Creamy

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Smut | Angst | Fluff

「Synopsis」 : After disappointing your totally not possessive boyfriend. You try your hardest to get forgiveness out of him.

Paring: Mommy!Seonghwa x Fem!Reader

[Warnings] : food mentioned, slightly DDLG vibes but in this case, it's Mommy instead. Food play. Whipped cream. Making out. Hickeys. Swearing. Dirty talking. Possessive Seonghwa. Slightly mean Seonghwa.

You were a good girl. You promised. And you knew that no matter how much you pleaded your case to him, he wasn't going to listen. To be fair, you didn't know that the random guy at the library you regularly visited was flirting with you. But when Seonghwa came along with you on this little trip, he was anything up impressed that you had never mentioned this disgusting waste of space. Seonghwa dragged you home straight after he saw enough. That was a week ago, and no matter how hard you tried to talk. Seonghwa ignored you, leaving you alone in the house or your room without anything as much as a pep. He was cold, and you hated it. You didn't mean to upset him.

You were a good girl. You promised. So when the fifth night of being ignored comes around you wanted, no, you needed to put actions in your own hands. So you did what you do best. Dress to impress. Finding your favourite dress, pretty, pink, and white. It was a dress that Seonghwa got tailored just for you. It's one of a kind. And it was one of your prized possessions. It was the first gift he gave you when you first met. It holds so many memories for both of you. So you needed it for your plan. To gain Seonghwa's forgiveness, of course.

Pacing around the room, you waited for Seonghwa to come home. He left a note saying he would be out late for work, making your anxiousness grow. He knew you hated when he didn't talk to you. You missed his voice, the soft charm that rolls off his tongue. You even missed the sadistic nature that slipped off his tongue. God, he made you crave him so badly that you felt like you were going mad. But with the sound of the locked front door unlocking, your heart skipped. You sat on the floor on the soft white fluffy carpet that lays on the edge of your bed. You watched the door like a hawk, knowing he needed to come in there first to undress. The door opened slowly since he spent the last minute looking for you he became slightly uneasy, but as soon as his eye met yours, the anxiety was completely erased by the feeling of lust and curiosity.

"Hello, Mommy" The name nearly made his legs buckle, all his sinful thought going straight to his head. He kept his expression the same, though, not letting you have the satisfaction of knowing he was wrapped around your finger. He was obsessed with you. He craved you the same, if not more, as you. His obsession ran deep as it was the rot of most of his outbursts of anger.

He doesn't mean to become so angry at you but the idea of someone else touching you, having their way with you. Call him possessive. Heck, call him crazy for wanting to lock you up so you do not dare see the light of day. He wanted you all to himself.

"What do we have here, Puppet?" He chuckled.

"I.. I wanted to show you I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad. I truly didn't know what was going on. I..I'm sorry." He let you ramble out your apology. He found it amusing. His hand grazed your chin, making you stop immediately. You haven't felt his touch in a while, so it sent shock waves through you. His thumb ran over your cheek softly, lovingly before a half-pull made you whimper. He yanked your face up with his fingers digging into your jaw uncomfortably.

"It's okay, my puppet. You are just too stupid when filthy men try to take what's mine. Come, let's go have something to eat." And just like that, he let go of you entirely. He had just admitted it wasn't your fault but yet... You felt like you were still in trouble. Looking at your feet, you followed Seonghwa close behind him, heading to the kitchen. He helped you onto the counter, letting your legs dangle over the edge.

"What we doing?" You were curious about Hwa's sudden change in demeanour. He was so cold and angry, and now he seems unreadable like he is showing one emotion to hide his true emotion underneath.

"We are going to have a little fun. Since I've been neglecting you for so long." You wanted to believe his words, but something in the pit of your gut said his words are only the surface of his actions. You nodded to him, giving him a small 'okay'. His next move makes you gulp, seeing the whipped cream in his hands.

"Are you a good girl?" He steps in between your legs.

"Yes..." You whimper.

"Will do you anything I ask for?" His fingers reach for the zipper on the back of your dress.


"Even if it might hurt. Even if it might cause harm to you or I?" He slips the flimsy material off your shoulders slowly. His fingertips graze your soft skin.

"Yes, Seonghwa. I would die for you. Anything you wish for is yours."

It was like your words made his brain short-circuit. You were willing to die for him? He had never heard anyone say that to him. God, you couldn't have become more perfect at this moment. Your dress falls off your top half, showing off the white lace that clung to your breasts. Seonghwa's eyes graze over your body, his left hand gripping your thigh while the other shakes the can tightly. He could never get over how beautiful you are. How delicious you look. All for him. And no one else.

He places the nozzle of the can against your collarbone, spraying some of the white fluffy cream onto your hot flesh. It was freezing, given it was in the fridge. The sensation brought a shiver and a low moan for you. His tongue wasted no time in licking up the sweet treat, leaving a nice bright red mark after he was done.

God, he could do this for hours. Never bored of the sounds you make. But as more clothing fell and skin became more sticky from the cream. Your hands gripped Seonghwa's bare shoulders.

"hmmm Mommy..." You wiggled on the counter, feeling yourself becoming hot and bothered over the teasing. He chuckled, picking your hand up to grasp it around the can.

"Your turn, Puppet." His voice was low with a hint of desperation. You looked at the can in your hand with hooded eyes. He had now just given you the power, so what will you do with it? You shook the can and sprayed some of the whipped cream on his neck, some of it sliding down over his nipple. You licked it up while sucking harshly on his neck. Your tongue fell down to his nipple to clean the rest off, but then an idea sparked from the pitched moan Seonghwa made.

You've never heard such a sound of Hwa. Heck, you didn't even know that he had such sensitive nipples. Oh, this would be fun. Spray some directly onto his nipples. You sucked them hard, making your lover almost whimper.

"F-uckk. Puppet... god." He gripped your hair, yanking you off his nipples, trying his hardest to catch his breath. If he didn't pull you off, he would have come in his pants then and there, and that wasn't something Seonghwa wanted. He needed to come in you or nothing.

"You are such a good baby. Such a good girl." He still pants between his words. "Now I need to fuck you." His words made you moan, pulling him in for a kiss. The first kiss you've shared in a while, you've become so desperate for his touch you think you might go crazy. And he could tell, thinking it's quite amusing how whipped you've become for him.

"You want that baby? Want me so deep inside you that you feel me for days?" He lifts you up off the counter, walking you over to the couch, cause he opted the bedroom was too far away.

"Seonghwa's, please, please, Fuck me..." You rambled through the sloppy kiss, feeling your back his the soft cushions. He climbed on top of you, wrapping one hand around your waist, while the other grips your hand, intertwining your fingers with his. Even though he was mean and can be cold and cruel, he loved you so much that words couldn't even begin to explain it. He needed you like how he needed air to breathe.

"For you my dearest Puppet...Anything."


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