080 | Seonghwa | All My Fault Pt.1

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Angst | Big Sad Hours

「Synopsis」 : An argument can lead to a lot when not resolved.

Paring: Mafia!Seonghwa x Reader

[Warnings] : Blood, Arguing, Violence, Big sad times, Seonghwa messed up. Name-calling. Character Death. Read at your own risk.

 Read at your own risk

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One argument. That's all it took. He was ruthless and cruel but he was soft and gentle to you. But when these worlds started to mix so did his personality. He didn't mean to scream, nor throw the wine glass he held firmly in his hand across the room. But he was stressed and you were also stressed. It was a blow-up that led to him saying unspeakable things towards you. It replays in his head, over and over.

'You are just another whore. Stop acting like your special.'

He didn't mean it and wanted to take it back as soon as it come out of his mouth. But his stubbornness got a hold of him. Regret. Was the only thing that infects his mind. You ran so quickly, throwing your ring to the ground. You cried, heartbroken that your silly fears he always reassured you were suddenly true. He couldn't find you. After you disappeared from his sight of the kitchen, he wandered towards your shared bedroom to apologise. But when he entered he noticed the room was trashed and the large floor to ceiling window was opened. You were gone. But this didn't look like a runaway. You were taken.

His heart stopped as his feet started running. Into the dead of night, running towards nothing and everything at the same time. He couldn't lose you. Not when he just said all those cruel things. Not when he loved you so much it hurt. Not when you were carrying his child. He needed you, you were his everything and he just threw you away like you were nothing in the heat of the moment. The warehouse that sat near the last pinged address of your phone was filled with gunfire and screaming.

He sent in all his good men, and himself into the line of fire just to save you but when he finally found you laying on the cold concrete floor in a small makeshift cell that was once a walk-in freeze, His heart stopped. You were cold, like ice. You had no pulse and your body was littered with deep blue and black marks. Deep gashes from knives and other sharp objects your torture could get a hold of, ran deep on your now paled skin. You were in a puddle of your own blood. Shock and blood loss had killed you.

He fell to his knees, letting out a roaring scream. He crawled over to your body, bringing you close to him, not carrying if blood paints his suit or body. He held you tight, his hand coming down to your stomach. He cried, tears running down his face like a waterfall. He can't remember the last time he cried, maybe when he was little?

"I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry. It should have been me. Not you, I...I'm sorry." He whimpered, stroking a bit of your hair out of your face. Your lips were blue and your eyes were puffy. You were crying before your last breath. Guilt shivered through his body. He would never forgive himself. He lost two of the most important people in his life and it was all his fault. He regrets everything. And he would never be able to take it back.


Or so he thought...


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